Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Shirley Sherrod Should Not Have Been Fired!

What the hell is going on at the White House? How about the NAACP? Are they letting Fox News dictate their every action? It would seem so! First,Fox News got rid of Van Jones. And now Shirley Sherrod is the innocent victim of character assassination by none other than Fox News. Does anyone see a pattern here? While Glenn Beck,Sean Hannity & others at Fox claim that the Obama administration is engaged in reverse racism,they are demonstrating what overt racism is on a daily basis.

After they presented edited clips of Sherrod's speech(in order to prove their point that powerful blacks are currently practicing reverse racism),they jumped on Shirley Sherrod's side against the White House the following day. On July19, Fox News presented Sherrod as a black racist. Today, Fox News says that she is a innocent victim & the White House was wrong in terminating her. Watch the above video which contains Rachel Maddow's coverage on Shirley Sherrod.

And for the NAACP & Roland Martin to chime in before they knew all of the facts about this "
controversy" is extremely disconcerting to me. Every observant intellectual being in America should know by now that Fox News has an agenda. It appears that they want the country to be divided instead of united. That's why the man who put this edited video of her on his site is a frequent guest on Fox News. They love Andrew Brietbart because he has the same motives that they do. Keeping racism alive in America seems to be the main goal here.

Shame on Obama for forgiving Robert Byrd's racist KKK past in his eulogy to the dead senator & throwing this black woman who is committed to civil rights for all under the bus
! What?!!!Shirley Sherrod should never have been fired based on the fake "reporting" that Glenn Beck & other Fox clowns did on July 19! What about the whites at the USDA who discriminated against blacks for years? Will the White House demand that they all be fired?

Here's more on this disturbing story from The Washington Monthly:

"You can probably tell there's a "but" coming. In this case, the conservative Big Government site showed the part of the speech it wanted people to see, and Fox News to air.

Jay Bookman notes today that there's relevant information and context Breitbart's project didn't offer.

...Sherrod said what online viewers weren't told in reports posted throughout the day Monday was that the tale she told at the banquet happened 24 years ago -- before she got the USDA job -- when she worked with the Georgia field office for the Federation of Southern Cooperative/Land Assistance Fund.

Sherrod said the short video clip excluded the breadth of the story about how she eventually worked with the man over a two-year period to help ward off foreclosure of his farm, and how she eventually became friends with the farmer and his wife.

"And I went on to work with many more white farmers," she said. "The story helped me realize that race is not the issue, it's about the people who have and the people who don't. When I speak to groups, I try to speak about getting beyond the issue of race."

In fact, as it turns out, Sherrod worked so hard to help that white farmer and his family they consider her a "friend for life."

Somehow, this didn't make the cut in the Big Government clip. The far-right site has the entire video, but only released the part that served the right's purposes.

And in this case, the right's purposes are trying to spur racial animosity, taking the remarks of an African-American American official to the NAACP and removing the context, all in the hopes of generating white resentment.

The anti-ACORN crusade -- and its creative editing -- should have been the first clue that right-wing video clips released by Breitbart and Big Government may not be what they seem to be. Shirley Sherrod offers another painful reminder.

* Update: Today, the NAACP walked back yesterday's criticism, and is reportedly investigating the matter."(END OF EXCERPT) Read the article in its entirety here.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Predominately White Walnut Creek Will Hold A Rally For Johannes Mehserle!

As a former employee of a Walnut Creek business,I have encountered people who have a less than favorable view towards blacks, to put it mildly. So,it comes as no surprise to me that a rally for Johannes Mehserle would be held in that city. Some residents of Contra Costa County don't think that this rally is a good idea. Their reasoning was quite different than mine.

The main fear that was expressed about this rally is that it might not remain "peaceful" if Oscar Grant supporters show up. I think this rally is absolutely despicable. For one,I'm not buying that this was just an "accident." And for another,how is this rally helping the victim's family?Do the organizers of this pro-Mehserle rally feel sorry for Oscar Grant? No!

It's all about showing support for cops. And that's fine if the cop in this case were an innocent man who committed no wrongdoing.
But,we all know that Johannes Mehserle is not an innocent man.He killed an unarmed black man who had his hands behind his back! Mehserle did not need a taser or a gun to subdue Oscar Grant. This is just as bad as showing support for a cop killer.

Here's more from The Oakland Tribune:

"On the rally's Facebook page, 95 guests say they will attend. Some who sought justice for Grant said they plan to show as well, to hear what Mehserle supporters have to say.

When news of the rally broke Tuesday, comments on community blogs and ContraCostaTimes.com exploded. Posters, nearly all of them anonymous, expressed feelings ranging from support to rage. Many said a show of support for Mehserle was long overdue; some said they wanted to speak up for Mehserle sooner but were too scared.

Others vented their distrust of police, one calling the rally "in support of police brutality." Other commentators said the media, including this newspaper, is blowing the rally out of proportion to make it a circus.

Groups around Oakland, including one that met Thursday evening in West Oakland, are looking at ways to move forward, including disarming BART police and pushing for the indictment of former BART officers Tony Pirone and Marysol Domenici, as well as ending what they see as police brutality.

One man attending Thursday's gathering said participants planned to organize committees to address those concerns.

Walnut Creek police have reached out to the Coalition for Justice for Oscar Grant, some of whose members plan to attend Monday's rally.

Gary Pokorny, Walnut Creek's city manager, said the demonstration will be kept within the courthouse parking lot. But he recommended that drivers avoid Ygnacio Valley Road on Monday afternoon, and consider alternative routes such as Treat Boulevard.

Bryden's suggestion for those attending: Show respect.

"First of all, they need to respect other people's opinions regardless if they agree with them or not," he said. "We don't want any violent acts."

But some Walnut Creek residents are worried. Kerry Martinez said her feelings about the BART shooting case are secondary to her concern about public safety and traffic.

"An event of this magnitude can't go down with this little information," she said. "And what about the people who don't know this is happening ... and things go terrible?"

Bryden said Walnut Creek police are planning for the worst, but he does not expect anywhere near the level of the sometimes violent protest and looting that occurred in Oakland.

Some say Walnut Creek's well-heeled majority white demographic create a friendly environment for a pro-Mehserle protest.

Mayor Sue Rainey said she is not worried about how Walnut Creek is perceived. The city has encouraged more diversity. She doesn't know why Walnut Creek was chosen over other cities.

"We have had a lot of rallies held here on different topics," she said. "People should be respectful and peaceful. We didn't organize it. But they have a right to have a rally."(END OF EXCERPT) Read the article in its entirety here.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Christina Milian: The Dream Sure Didn't Last Long!

When you hook up with a guy named The Dream,it seems destined to turn into a nightmare. And after the racy pictures of The Dream & his personal assistant hit the internet,that is exactly what The Dream must feel like to poor Christina. I mean,she just had his baby for goodness sake! Couldn't he have been a little more discreet about their breakup than this? He is such a classless act!

Here's more on the split from PopEater.com:

"Christina Milian and The-Dream are headed for a divorce and have confirmed their split after racy photos surfaced of The-Dream and his assistant Melissa Santiago frolicking in the Caribbean. "Terius 'The-Dream' Nash is saddened to announce that his marriage to Christina Milian was unsuccessful. The couple reached this decision in late 2009, but decided to keep the news private in efforts to protect their baby daughter Violet. They ask for consideration and respect for their family moving forward," his rep tells Us Weekly.

In the new racy photos, The-Dream is not wearing his wedding band and is straddled by Santiago. In another, he's grabbing her butt.

The-Dream proposed to Milian in July 2009, and they eloped last September in Las Vegas. They welcomed daughter Violet Madison Nash five months ago."(END OF EXCERPT)Read more here.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

The Johannes Mehserle Verdict Was A Travesty Of Justice!

The jurors in the Johannes Mehserle case reached their verdict of involuntary manslaughter in less than eight hours!
Both I & Oscar Grant's uncle found that to be an amazing feat. As I have expressed before,my belief is that he should have at least been found guilty of voluntary manslaughter.

But,as the Oscar Grant family has said,they don't blame the jurors. They blame the system. And so do I. What a slap in this face is to every black person in America.This is a travesty of justice,as Rev. Keith Mohammed from the Nation of Islam so eloquently stated today! So much for a post-racial society.

The euphoria of the first black president being elected in America has faded. Now,we are faced with the cold reality that the government does not work for the average,poor citizen. Especially if your skin happens to be black.

Having a black president has not raised the black community in the eyes of America. It has only garnered black folks like Barack Obama more respect than they already had. This is a society that is solely based on both class & race. Woe to those who belong to both the wrong class & race.

Here's more from KTVU News:

"A white former transit officer was convicted of involuntary manslaughter Thursday in the shooting death of an unarmed black man on an Oakland train platform in a 2009 encounter that set off days of rioting in the city. Prosecutors had wanted Johannes Mehserle convicted of murdering 22-year-old Oscar Grant, who was shot as he lay face-down.

Grant's mother, Wanda Johnson, stared at jurors and appeared upset then later denounced the verdict outside the courthouse. "My son was murdered! He was murdered! He was murdered," she said.

Earlier in court, Mehserle was placed in handcuffs and taken away after the verdict, which included a finding that the defendant personally used a handgun. He turned to his family and mouthed, "I love you, guys."

His parents wept when the verdict was read. One woman juror wiped tears with a tissue when the panel was polled on its decision. On the east side of San Francisco Bay, police in riot gear were deployed on the streets of Oakland. A crowd near Oakland City Hall moaned and cursed when they heard the verdict. A dozen people gathered in a semicircle to pray.

"It's not real, it's not real. Where's the justice? He was killed in cold blood," said Amber Royal, 23, of Oakland. Grant family attorney John Burris said the family was "extremely disappointed" with the verdict.

"This verdict is not a true representation of what happened to Oscar Grant and what happened to him that night. This was not a voluntary manslaughter case," Burris said.

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger issued a statement urging Californians to remain calm and not resort to violence. Schwarzenegger said he had informed Oakland Mayor Ron Dellums the state was well prepared to assist in maintaining order. The jury had a choice between murder and lesser charges of voluntary and involuntary manslaughter. The jury found that Mehserle didn't mean to kill Grant, but that his behavior was still so negligent that it was criminal. Involuntary manslaughter carries a sentence of two to four years.

The next hearing was set for Aug. 6. The jury included eight women and four men. None listed their race as black. Seven said they were white, three were Latino, and one was Asian-Pacific. One declined to state their race. They left the courthouse under tight security. "As we have come to notice, and we as a family has been slapped in the face by a system that has denied us a right to true justice," said Cephus Johnson, Grant's uncle. "We truly do not blame the jury, but we blame the system."(END OF EXCERPT) Read more here.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Why Is Glenn Beck Really Trying To Destroy President Obama?

If you watched the videos that preceded this post, you will see how hypocritical Glenn Beck is. He loved George Bush's dirty drawers. With President Obama, he dedicates every show that he does to trying to discredit & destroy his presidency. If he loves his country so much,what happened to that patriotism back in 2007? Even though Bush was dragging the country down,Beck was gushing over him like a young schoolgirl.

What was so great about a president that lied to the country about weapons of mass destruction? Bush led us into a false war & used a terror attack to strip Americans of their civil liberties! Remember the Patriot Act,Glenn Beck? Where was all of his talk about the Founding Fathers when Beck reported his meeting with George Bush back in 2007 ?

There is nothing objective about you, Glenn Beck! It's obvious that you are nothing more than an extreme right-wing propagandist. And you want to drag this country back to the days of the Founding Fathers.You know,the good ole' days when blacks were publicly regarded as being less than human.

Ever since we have put a black president into office,Glenn Beck has become obsessed with discussing race.
All of his shows center around the Obama administration. He wants to draw a distinction between Dr. Martin Luther King & President Obama for his own nefarious purpose.

Here's more on that from TJMS:

"Roland Martin discusses the fears of America becoming a majority minority country. Thirty-years ago we would often hear that phrase. People said that it was thirty years away but now it is here. In seven states across America, minorities under the age of seven-teen out number whites.

In speaking with John Avalon, author of Wingnuts, about all the craziness with the Tea Party and people making outlandish comments came to the conclusion, we are of watching the rise of White victimhood.

All of a sudden in the Age of Obama, there are White people in this country who are freaking out by saying “Oh my God we are losing our grip on this country”.

Then there is Glenn Beck, who is now comparing himself to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Beck and others are trying to take the moral standing of the Civil Rights Movement and claim it as their own. On August 28th, the same day as the March on Washington, the same day that then Sen. Barack Obama accepted the Democratic Nomination for President, Beck is going to have a rally on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial to reclaim the Civil Rights Movement."(END OF EXCERPT) Read more here.

Beck uses Dr. M.L.K. as an example of a true unifier.The reason Beck does this is because he knows that he must elevate one black man if he is to destroy another. That way he can claim that he is not a racist who is using race to divide the country. Even though it is pretty apparent that is precisely what he is attempting to do on The Glenn Beck Show.

When he was talking about voter intimidation today,Glenn Beck told his television audience:

"We are about to repeat the mistakes of the past."

And he let them know that "this time the enemy is different
." Who is the enemy? Well,its the NAACP, the Black Panther, Black Muslims, Acorn, etc... Do you see a pattern here? All of these groups are composed of minorities. He is talking to those real Americans that his friend,Sarah Palin, was addressing in her campaign speeches. Glenn Beck is sending subliminal messages.

He is trying to make the point that President Obama, Van Jones, Eric Holder, & other blacks want real "social justice" now! The underlying theme of all the shows that he has done on President Obama is reverse racism.These blacks who are in power want to use it to exact revenge on whites for past wrongs,according to Glenn Beck.Far from trying to unify this country, Glenn Beck is playing the race card to the fullest. By trying to prove how racist President Obama is, Beck has only exposed his own deep-seated racism.

Comparing the New Black Panthers "voter intimidation" case to what the KKK did to blacks is only meant to incite fear. Because there is nothing similar about those two groups. The KKK was started by oppressors who wanted to continue to oppress an entire race. The Black Panthers & other similar organizations are composed of oppressed peoples who are tired of being kept down.

Who have the New Black Panthers lynched & killed? But,more to Glenn Beck's point,where are the white voters that were supposedly intimidated by the New Black Panthers?Both Media Matters & I would like to know!

Here's more from Media Matters:

"On Glenn Beck's show today we were treated to more revisionist history (also, the sky is blue). This time, Beck attempted to equate the New Black Panther case with previous incidents of voter intimidation by the Ku Klux Klan. Beck also conveniently failed to mention that the conservative noise around the case is pretty dishonest.

The most glaring problem with this Beck comparison is that not a single person has come forward to say they were actually intimidated by the New Black Panthers at this polling place. Nobody. That's actually one of the reasons the Department Of Justice obtained an injunction against the man seen wielding a nightstick, but dropped charges against other parties in the case.

Beck compared this action to the Klan. The problem is the Ku Klux Klan has a very long and bloody history in America of not only intimidating voters, but doing so through violence:

  • Klansman Edgar Ray Killen was convicted of orchestrating the 1964 murders of James Chaney, Andrew Goodman, and Michael Schwerner, who were attempting to register black voters in Mississippi
  • The Klan assassinated Rep. James M. Hinds in 1868, along with other Republican officeholders in the reconstruction-era south
  • In 1868 the Klan engaged in a campaign that killed, wounded or otherwise injured over 2000 people in Louisiana in the weeks prior to the presidential election in what was described as a campaign of "constant terror." Numerous parishes saw vote totals plunge for the Republican ticket in the presidential election as terrified black voters stayed home. For example: in St. Landry, Republicans went from carrying the parish by 678 votes to receiving no votes at all. Congress passed the Force Act of 1870 as a direct reaction to the Klan's actions.

Added to that is the history of the Klan engaging in all sorts of racial violence not directly connected to voting and voting rights. So, on one hand an incident with no complaints of intimidation, on the other hand an organization that has plagued Americans trying to exercise their constitutional right to a vote. In the mind of Glenn Beck, these are one and the same. By bending facts to fit a narrative, Beck insults those who have actually suffered from racial discrimination and violent intimidation."(END OF EXCERPT) Read more here.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

I Guess Bill Clinton Thinks It's Okay To Join The KKK If It Can Help You Get Elected

Bill Clinton's remarks at Senator Robert Byrd's funeral should make those who call him "the first black president" regret that sentiment
. There is nothing even remotely "black" about a white man that says "it may have been wrong" for someone to have been a member of the KKK. It is explicitly wrong to join a group of racists who lynch & kill folks.

There's no maybe about it for me. But,Bill Clinton seems to think that if "a country boy" can get elected that way,so be it. Join the KKK or any other racist organization if it can further your agenda. I find that line of reasoning to be absolutely deplorable.

And it makes me wonder if Bill Clinton only dealt with blacks so that he could get elected. Because as an Arkansan,that's what "a country boy" would do.

Here's more from Talking Points Memo:

"Former President Bill Clinton referenced the late Sen. Robert Byrd's membership in the Ku Klux Klan as a young man during his eulogy for the longtime senator this afternoon in West Virginia. Clinton was the only speaker to reference this dark chapter of Byrd's history, which has been a topic of much discussion over the years.

Many of Byrd's colleagues have said that Byrd learned from the experience and that he championed civil rights later, and took pride in endorsing Barack Obama in his bid to become the nation's first black president.

Clinton said at the memorial service that Byrd's obituaries have speculated what it meant he was in the KKK.

"I'll tell you what it means. He was a country boy from the hills and hollers of West Virginia, he was trying to get elected," Clinton said. "And maybe he did something he shouldn't have done, and he spent the rest of his life making it up. And that's what a good person does."(END OF EXCERPT) Read more here.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Oakland Is On Edge While Jurors Deliberate In The Oscar Grant Trial!

All over the local news,there are nightly updates on the Oscar Grant trial.Here in the Bay Area,folks are on edge about what will happen after the verdict is announced.The police are gearing up to face a serious battle if the streets react violently to a Mehserle acquittal.

Bay Area residents are saying that they will avoid riding Bart & drive to their destinations instead.Everyone I know wants to avoid getting caught up in the mayhem that is sure to ensue if jurors reach a decision that favors Johannes Mehserle.

Honestly,I can't fathom any other verdict than guilty.Either second degree murder or voluntary manslaughter would make sense to me.I don't see how any other conclusion can be reached.He certainly shouldn't be found not guilty.

Here's more on the status of this case from CNN:

"Jurors wrapped up deliberations Friday and will continue next week in the racially charged murder trial of a white former police officer in Oakland, California, accused of killing an unarmed black man.

Jurors deliberated for nearly three hours Friday afternoon without reaching a verdict in the case against Johannes Mehserle.

Mehserle, a former Bay Area Rapid Transit police officer, is accused of shooting 22- year-old Oscar Grant dead on a California train platform on January 1, 2009.

The jurors will resume their deliberations Tuesday morning; court is closed Monday due to the extended holiday weekend. Closing arguments concluded earlier in the day Friday.

Mehserle could be found not guilty, guilty of murder, or guilty of a lesser offense like manslaughter.

The shooting was captured on a bystander's cell-phone video camera. The video was widely circulated on the internet and on news broadcasts, and it spurred several protests and riots in and around Oakland."(END OF EXCERPT)Read the rest here.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

If Anyone Needs Further Proof That Mel Gibson Is A Misogynistic Racist.....

According to TMZ,Mel Gibson has been caught on tape telling his baby's mother, Oksana Grigorieva,that if she gets "raped by a pack of niggers" it's her fault.Because,as he puts it,she's a "whore."

This wrinkled,leathery-looking man is a misogynistic racist.After all that he has been caught saying,I don't think anyone can refute that factual statement.These types of "people" still exist in our 21st century society.Mel Gibson is just the latest example of that uncomfortable & sad reality.

Here's more from TMZ:

"TMZ has confirmed ... Mel Gibson is caught on tape, screaming at his baby mama Oksana Grigorieva, "You look like a f*king pig in heat and if you get raped by a pack of ni**ers it will be your fault."

The tapes were secretly recorded by Oksana in the midst of their nuclear breakup and custody battle.

We've also confirmed Mel is heard on tape calling Oksana a "whore" and a "c**t."

The tapes have been submitted to the judge in their custody battle and is under seal."(END OF EXCERPT)Read more here.

A War Crimes Tribunal Has Subpoenaed Naomi Campbell To Testify About Blood Diamonds!

Now,this story is worth posting about.Forget Naomi Campbell's bald spots!I would much rather talk about the uncut "blood diamonds" that former Liberian President Charles Taylor gave her as a present.Thus far,she has refused to even acknowledge that Taylor gave her those diamonds that are seeped in blood.

But,the war crimes tribunal that is prosecuting the case against Charles Taylor has subpoenaed her anyway.They obviously believe that Naomi Campbell received "blood diamonds" from him. Actress Mia Farrow said that she heard it from the horse's mouth.If she did,I hope that she was oblivious to the fact that those diamonds were used to ferment violence.

Here's more from ABC News:

"Naomi Campbell will be subpoenaed to testify about uncut "blood diamonds" she allegedly received as a gift from former Liberian President Charles Taylor, judges for the ex-warlords war crimes trial said today.

Campbell has thus far refused to testify in the case against the ex-warlord Taylor though prosecutors say her testimony goes to the heart of their case.

If she fails to appear as ordered, the court can find her in contempt. A date has yet to be set for her to appear at the trial.

"We are happy with the decision and we will proceed in accordance," Chief Prosecutor Brenda Hollis told ABC News from The Hague where the high profile case is being tried.

The super model's name first surfaced in the trial in January, when prosecutors introduced information from Mia Farrow about a 1997 dinner at Nelson Mandela's home. According to Farrow, Campbell told her that Taylor's men had given her a "huge diamond" in the middle of the night.

In the wake of an ABC News report on the alleged "blood diamond," Campbell's former agent Carole White revealed to prosecutors that she was present when Campbell received several diamonds from Taylor that night.

White's lawyer, Daniel Bright, told ABC News that White overheard Taylor telling Campbell at the dinner that he wanted to give her diamonds. Later, according to Bright, when the representatives of Taylor came to the guest house in the middle of the night they threw pebbles at the windows. They hit White's window with the pebbles and she reluctantly let them into the house. White allegedly then watched the men give about a "half-dozen" uncut gems to Campbell.

According to Bright, White remembers Campbell being disappointed with the stones, since she had not expected them to be uncut. Bright said that White claims she convinced Campbell to dispose of the stones the next day, and that she gave them to an unnamed third individual.

Defense lawyers for Taylor argued that prosecutors were introducing evidence too late, nearly 1-1/2 years after they closed their case. Judges said Wednesday that they will give prosecutors the opportunity to reopen their case and call Campbell, Farrow, and White since they only learned of the incident a year ago and it was relevant to the case.

The judges' order did not say when Campbell, along with actress Mia Farrow and Cambpell's former agent Carole White, will be called.

Hollis and her team say Taylor used uncut "blood diamonds" to buy weapons and fuel a bloody insurgency in Sierra Leone that cost thousands of lives. They allege Taylor was in South Africa at the time to buy guns with diamonds."(END OF EXCERPT)Read the rest here.