Tuesday, September 17, 2013

What Aaron Alexis Did Generates A Discussion On Black Mental Health

Apparently, the 34 yr. old man named Aaron Alexis heard voices & had a troubled past. The fact that a lot of mentally unstable people have guns or access to them has been a part of the national discussion since Gabrielle Giffords & countless others got shot. This latest tragedy at a Washington D.C. Navy Yard involves a mentally unstable black man with a military background. Mr. Alexis was reportedly obsessed with guns & violent video games. At the same time, he was a seemingly peaceful man who was a practicing Buddhist that enjoyed meditation. It's tragic that Aaron Alexis played out a scene in one of his violent video games by killing over a dozen people. He should have used the teachings of Buddha & meditation instead.

What many people are focusing on is a subject that many African-Americans tend to avoid or dismiss. That issue is black mental health. Why does this issue make so many of us uncomfortable? I will posit this opinion. I believe that it a topic that black people feel further stigmatized by. You see, we have so many negative stereotypes to contend with already. Plus, the educational system tends to view black boys in particular as remedial at some point in their scholastic journey. So, we are already viewed as stupid and behind the rest of polite society. Why would we want crazy to be added to the long list of "problems in the black community?"

Here's Don Lemon's point of view on black mental health from Black America Web:

"When I told my own mother I was dealing with depression some years back, and I was seeing a therapist, she told me I didn’t need a therapist, I needed a preacher.  That was my own mother.  She eventually did come around, she’s my biggest supporter, my biggest ally, my biggest friend now.  And after my step-dad died some years back, she too went to a therapist and she got healthy.  But it took time for even the person who gave birth to me to realize that there are certain things that you cannot pray away.

Why would we think mental or psychological issues can be prayed or willed away?  A sick mind is no different than a sick body.  Would you pray away a broken arm?  Would you pray away bad eyesight?  Would you pray away cancer, leukemia or diabetes?  No.  You would get it treated by the proper physician while praying at the same time.

But since we are talking about the Navy shooter here I want to stick with black men for a moment.  According to the Center for Disease Control, from 1980 to 2012 the suicide rate for black males doubled becoming the third leading cause of death for black men between the ages of 15 and 24.  Suicide, depression and other mental illnesses are real in our communities; maybe more so than other communities because of institutional racism, because of overwhelming unemployment and poverty.

We can no longer look at these issues as taboo and something we can power through with God because we’re soldiers.  Even soldiers have post-traumatic stress disorder.

If we don’t wake up to these realities, that we cannot pray it away, the next time we see a crime on the news, especially a mass shooting, the first question you might ask yourself; is it the usual one?  Oh, no, are they black?  You know you all do it; I hope they’re not black.  It might be the same one that the haters are posing on the Internet.  If Obama had a son would he look like the killer?" Read the article in its entirety here.

If you suffer from mental health go to: http://www.blackmentalhealthnet.com/

Monday, September 16, 2013

DJ Mister Cee's Penchant For Transsexuals Only Matters If He's Married


DJ Mista Cee claims that he is not gay even though he likes to receive fellatio from cross-dressing male prostitutes. If he is married, I'm sure his wife is deeply concerned. Having sex outside of marriage is an issue that can lead to a potentially fatal venereal disease. He shouldn't just be talking about how he's tired of hiding his sexual proclivities. Instead, Mista Cee should have come clean to his wife about his dirty lifestyle. Being with prostitutes when you are married is just plain filthy. Whether they are male or female is really besides the point. Hopefully, he's not married. Then, this is all much ado about nothing. If he is, I pray that his wife won't be more than emotionally affected by her husband's taste for the wild side.

When you get married, you should not have to worry about sexually transmitted diseases. You take a marital vow to be with someone "in sickness and in health." Not to be the cause of their sickness and the decline of their health.Cheating not only violates trust. It can also violate your health. I respect gay & straight people who are sexually honest & responsible. Especially if they are married.

Listen to DJ Mista Cee's assertions that he is not gay:

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Nothing But Disgust For The Moniker"Anonymous!"

Since my pastures have not been looking too green
I made the decision to briefly exit the blogging scene
Reviving my commentary is what I really intend to do
Writing turns my grays into a soothing &serene blue

Obviously, I have been on hiatus. Sometimes it's hard to engage with the public when you feel like you are in a one sided conversation. Whenever I do hear from someone, it's usually the cowardly jerk that makes his uninformed remarks as "Anonymous." I despise people who hide behind a keyboard & attack people. Give me your name when you comment. Otherwise, why bother?

I feel nothing but disgust for the moniker "Anonymous." America needs to take a cue from the United Kingdom & devise a law that would unmask these gutless wimps. Here's more from PC Mag.Com:]

"If recent events are any indication, the age of the Internet troll (website commenters who post negative and potentially damaging statements about others) may soon come to an end. According to the BBC, a new proposal by the British government would force websites to reveal the identity of commenters when requested by a complainant.
The new dictate has been added to the country's Defamation Bill, a legal framework outlining the rules governing defamation lawsuits that has been in the works since 2009.
"Website operators are in principle liable as publishers for everything that appears on their sites, even though the content is often determined by users," said U.K. Justice Secretary Ken Clarke. "Our proposed approach will mean that website operators have a defense against libel as long as they identify the authors of allegedly defamatory material when requested to do so by a complainant." Read more here.