Monday, October 20, 2008

John McCain's Ancestors Owned Slaves Who Retained The McCain Surname! Read How Famous Blues Guitarist Mississippi John Hurt Is Connected To McCain!

Sen. John McCain's ancestors were cotton barons who possessed slaves in Mississippi.He knew that they fought in the Civil War. He claimed to have just found out they owned blacks when it was revealed to him by in 2000. Here is an excerpt with the link to that article:

"McCain added at that time: "Personally, I see the battle flag as a symbol of heritage. I have ancestors who have fought for the Confederacy, none of whom owned slaves. I believe they fought honorably."

Mark Salter, McCain's Senate chief of staff and co-author of "Faith of My Fathers," said Tuesday that no one in McCain's family had ever told him that his ancestors had owned slaves. Salter said that McCain simply assumed his family would have shared such information."(END QUOTE)

How could he have known that his ancestors fought for the confederacy without becoming familiar with the fact that they owned slaves? I mean, the story was well-known throughout the rest of the family. Here is another excerpt:

"The writer Elizabeth Spencer, a cousin to John McCain, does mention the family's slaves in her family memoir, "Landscapes of the Heart," -- a book McCain and his co-author Slater both say they have read, though they say not closely enough to have caught her glancing references to the family's slaves." (END QUOTE) Follow this link to read the article in it's entirety:

Mississippi John Hurt is connected to this story as well. He is a very famous blues singer & guitarist that was born in the late part of the nineteenth century. This is his connection to John McCain & McCain's reaction which I took from the same article:

"Tracing the genealogies of slaves is often easy, because slaves frequently adopted the surnames of their owners. In 1876, for example, a Mary J. McCain married Isham Hurt. The two had a son, blues guitarist "Mississippi" John Hurt, in 1892 on Teoc, the plantation community where the McCains owned 2,000 acres.

"Is that right?" McCain asked, after considering his possible connection to the famous bluesman, who died in 1966. "That's fascinating," he said." (END QUOTE)

There is an article about the black McCains in the Wall Street Journal. It tells the tale of a family that rose to prominence & fought for civil rights. America has definitely evolved from the days of slavery. This is a great & interesting read. Here is the link :

The fact that he has not renounced the Confederate flag,given his Southern roots,is one of the main reasons I could never consider voting for him! That flag is an offensive reminder of a past that african-americans are still grappling with to this very day. Mississippi is one of the most racist states in the United States. My father is from Greenwood & he never goes back to visit relatives. The pain of the lynchings & hatred shown by whites toward blacks are memories that he wants to suppress. To most black people,the Confederate flag represents oppression and it will forever be tied to slavery. He proclaimed that his family never owned slaves. Will he come out against the Confederate flag since his family did own blacks after all? Everyone's talking about Reverend Jeremiah Wright's association with Barack Obama as proof that Obama is racist. Well, shouldn't John McCain renounce the Confederate flag as a racist symbol? I know that he won't. He is a true son of the south .

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Is Something Sinister Going On In West Virginia? Democratic Votes Were Switched To Republican!!!

In West Virginia,they may need to vote again. There were 6 democrats who realized that their electronic votes were wrong. When they voted for Obama, the machine changed their vote to McCain. We need to hear about these problems with voting machines in combination with stories about Acorn. It seems as if the election could be compromised in the same exact way that it was 4 years ago! Another RECOUNT!! Here's the link to the full story: (
Watch the video which is a clip from the HBO documentary "Hacking Democracy"!

Colin Powell Is An Obama Backer!!

I have to admit that I've become a political junkie. And with good reason,guys!This is one of the most thrilling elections I've ever witnessed!Colin Powell just endorsed Barack Obama on "Meet The Press" this Sunday!!! This is a distinguished man who did not make his choice lightly. He truly weighted both candidates. With his military & political experience, he feels more comfortable with Obama. His reasons are pretty much the same ones that I possess for picking Obama. It just took him a lot longer to reach his conclusion than I did. I wonder if he regrets not running for president 12 years ago. Here's an excerpt from an article on about the possibility of Colin Powell running for president:

"Powell was born 58 years ago in New York City's Harlem. But through a combination of ability and hard work, he rose to become chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff - the highest position in the U.S. military. Now polls show that General Powell has a good chance of capturing an even higher office - the office of President of the United States. A Time/CNN poll shows that, if Gen. Powell were to run today as a Republican, he would beat President Clinton by 51 percent of the vote to 41 percent.

He Will Decide Next Month

But will he run? General Powell says he will decide by the end of next month. Experts are already betting that he will run - as a Republican..." Read the rest by following this link (