Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Watching McCain Agree Then Disagree With John Murtha Was Surreal!

Here is the original statement that Rep. John Murtha (D-PA) about Western Pennsylvania being racist. The gaffe that Sen. John McCain made when trying to differ with John Murtha was a comical! He just couldn't get it out! Watch because it is funny!

Watch Video Where Palin Praises Obama's Change Message! Read About How Sarah Palin Handles Environmental Issues In Alaska

Maybe Obama should've picked Sarah Palin instead of Joe Biden. She seemed to talk with some passion about how well Alaskans have adapted to his message of change in this video. We all know that Joe Biden has said that he didn't think Obama was ready to be president before he was chosen as the VP pick. With his latest remark, I wonder just how much does Biden really support Barack Obama. Sarah Palin really seems into Obama's message of change awhile back.Of course, this is before she got picked as McCain's running mate. I thought I'd post just in case noone has seen it.

Sarah Palin's concern for the environment is an issue for some voters.It appears that she cares more about development than protecting the natural resources in Alaska.There is an article that looks at the way she handled preservation as mayor of Wasilla & governor of Alaska. It basically said that she has been more of an advocate for business interests than she has for conservation.Here is the link to that article:

Did You Hear About Sarah Palin's $150,000 Clothing Expenditures?

Wow! You can't call anyone an "elitist" when you shop at Neiman Marcus & Saks. Those are some super posh stores for a "regular" small-town girl. I guess Macy's attire just isn't good enough for plain folks like Sarah Palin. Now, this is not really suprising. I'm sure all of the candidates spend money to look good because they're in the public eye. But it just emphasizes the hypocrisy of the McCain/Palin claim that they're fighting for the regular "joe". What's normal about spending $150,000 on clothes & makeup in just 3 months? Are they just like you & me as they claim? Hell no! I don't even make that in a year! According to Huffington Post, this is what she spent:
"Mainly, however, Democrats (in this scenario) are not prone to forgiveness. After all, it was during this same campaign cycle that Republicans belittled the $400 haircut that former Sen. John Edwards had paid for with his own campaign money (the funds were later reimbursed). And yet, the comparison to that once-dominant news story is hardly close: if Edwards had gotten one of his legendary haircuts every singe week, it would still take him 7.2 years to spend what Palin has spent. Palin has received the equivalent of $2,500 in clothes per day from places such as Saks Fifth Avenue (where RNC expenditures totaled nearly $50,000) and Neiman Marcus (where the governor had a $75,000 spree)." (END OF EXCERPT) Follow this link for the full article:

The McCain campaign says that they will donate the clothes to charity after the election. I guess politicians really are like celebrities after all.