Saturday, October 25, 2008

DL Hughley Has A Satirical News Show On CNN!

D.L. Hughley will be on CNN with his own sardonic news program. According to the NY Times,

"Just 10 days ago CNN announced that Mr. Hughley would be the host of a new comedy-news show, “D. L. Hughley Breaks the News,” which has its premiere Saturday at 10 p.m. Eastern time.

For CNN, which prefers to emphasize its trustworthiness over, say, its hilariousness, the show represents the channel’s belated (and risky) entry into the well-established genre of news delivered with a satirical smile. Still being assembled at press time, the first episode of “Breaks the News” will offer a mix of sketches and stand-up comedy, taped segments and an interview in which a former Bush administration spokesman endorses Senator Barack Obama." (END OF EXCERPT)Read the full article here :

I really liked him when he was doing stand-up & his performance in "The Original Kings Of Comedy"! But sometimes he says things that cause outrage & controversy! A lot of black people were offended when he chimed in on what Don Imus said about "nappy-headed hos" in reference to the women from the Rutgers Basketball team. He basically said that they were ugly & nappy-headed which took Don Imus's comments even further. Here I have posted what he said to Jay Leno on "The Tonight Show" that sparked some furor in the black community. The next video is DL Hughley's response to the people who were protesting against him.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Will Ferrell As George Bush Is So Funny!

Just a little something to laugh at! This is Will Ferrell as George Bush spoofing his endorsement of John McCain! I'm so glad they've taken on this election. But even if they didn't,it would still be a joke anyway! This shouldn't even be a tight race between Obama & McCain! I wonder why it is so.

Person with Serious Issues: Sean Hannity!

On Sunday, Sean Hannity will give America 10 reasons why we should not vote for Barack Obama. I have never seen him say one negative thing about George Bush or John McCain. Why hasn't he given his audience the pros & cons for both candidates instead of targeting only Barack Obama? Unless you are leaning republican, I see no reason to watch Fox! I thinks it's outrageous how the entire station has targeted Obama & the democratic party. For a "news organization" that claims to be fair & balanced, this is intolerable. They should no longer make the assertion that they are giving America information that they can trust. Here is a link to a website that is dedicated to progression in America:

They have compiled a list of misinformation that has been fed to the public by Sean Hannity. Instead of people directing their anger towards bloggers, we ought to be disgusted & picketing the Fox network. CNN's Drew Griffith allegedly misquoted a comment made by Bryon York of The National Review which made Sarah Palin look bad. Here's the link to the Fox News Story:,2933,443801,00.html

Greta Van Susteren went On The Record & insisted that Griffith owed the McCain campaign an apology for the distortion. This is the second day in a row that she's discussed this mistake which Drew Griffith already acknowledged he made. There is a bigger story out there like the Mccain helper that lied about a black man attacking her. Where's your outrage, Greta, over that? Shouldn't your network apologize for reporting that story when it was a racially tinged hoax? Here's what TPM Election Central reported on their site:
" This is problematic because the McCain campaign doesn't want to have been perceived as pushing an incendiary story that not only turned out to be a hoax but which police officials said today risked blowing up into a "national incident" and has local police preparing to file charges against the hoaxster.
There's no evidence that anyone from McCain national headquarters put out a version of events like this.
After the story appeared on KDKA's site and this and other pieces in the local press started flying around the political world, an Obama spokesperson in the state angrily insisted to KDKA that it was irresponsible for the station to air the McCain spokesperson's incendiary version of events before the facts were fully known, according to two sources familiar with the discussions." (END OF EXCERPT) Read the full story by following the link: