Monday, October 27, 2008

How Come You Never Hear About Black Nationalists Plotting To Kill McCain?

I've heard that blacks are just as racist as whites on places like Fox. The media couldn't stop recycling Obama's connection to black nationalists.Okay,fair enough. But, let me pose a few questions that have been on my mind. Where are these racist blacks who are influenced by Reverend Wright's "incendiary rhetoric"? How come they haven't devised any plans to assassinate John McCain?And lastly, why is it just whites who harbor such hatred towards blacks that they want to kill them? I think these are questions that are worth some deep contemplation. Because this is the second plot against Obama where the potential perpetrators were white xenophobes. There have been no reports of blacks banding together to kill John McCain. So far, all the racism in this campaign has been directed towards Barack Obama. If racism is not a huge problem in America anymore, why are so many whites so angry that they are being driven to thoughts of murder? Why did that McCain helper lie & say a black Obama supporter sexually assaulted & robbed her? It seems that all of the racism during this election has been one-sided. Why is that? For the details of the murder plot follow this link:

May Julian King Rest In Peace!

What kind of sicko does this to a 7-yr. old? Or anyone for that matter! It has been confirmed that Julian King was the victim of homicide. The sweet innocent soul was snuffed out of this child by a bullet to the back of his head. This is a heartbreaking tragedy,indeed! But it is not an isolated incident,unfortunately. Not unlike many metropolitan cities, Chicago has been riddled with murder & violence.Watch Krs-1, an highly intellectual edutainer, edify the Hope to Chicago's Youth about violence & gangs. I love the way he breaks shit down. He is a strong individual with a commanding prescence. Hopefully, his Stop The Violence movement will really enrapture those who desperately need to heed his message of peace. The ghetto is a continuing cycle of violence. We should all do our part to break the sequence of death & destruction.

Alaska's Biggest Newspaper Endorses Obama!

Watch this interesting video about Alaskans who are for Obama.The Anchorage Daily News has come out in favor of Barack Obama! They feel that he is the better choice even though Palin is Alaska's governor. The paper said that they felt Palin was "too risky" to be a hop,skip,& a jump away from the presidency! The Daily News said that Barack Obama showed "much more promise." So much for every Alaskan being in love with Sarah Palin! Even they realize that this election is too fundamental to the future of America. All Alaskans are not supporting the governor of their own state! Read their reasons why by following this link:(