Sunday, November 23, 2008

Rats Are A Huge Issue For A Sacramento Woman & Her Neighbors!

This video talks about how bad a rat problem got at a Sacramento theater.One customer of the theater that they interviewed said the rat was on her boyfriend's arm. That is so fucking nasty!But, that's not the only area with rat issues.
There is a neighborhood that is infested with rats in Sacramento,CA. One lady is so exasperated by the situation that she is using a pellet gun to kill them. Yuck! Rats are like demons to me. They have drove me out of a house before. This woman must not be able to just pick up & leave like I did. She's got much more bravado than I ever could. Here's the link to the story:

Saturday, November 22, 2008

How Insensitive Were Those People Who Watched That Teen Die On Live Webcam?!

People knew of Abraham Brigg's intentions because he blogged about committing suicide.Folks did nothing to intervene at all. In fact, they egged him on & watched him die online. This is a sick,perverse society.I mean,why would anyone want to see some shit like this? Here's more from

"A 19-year-old man has apparently committed suicide live on the internet after being encouraged by others watching online.

Reports suggest that the Abraham K Briggs, from Florida, took an overdose of pills while broadcasting a video on the streaming website

The teenager supposedly told others on a chat forum that he was going to commit suicide and posted a suicide note on another site."(END OF EXCERPT) Read the rest here:$1250393.htm

To top it off,Abraham Briggs was bipolar.

Does George Bush Dislike Shaking Hands?

Hmmm...I wonder if George Bush got dissed by the world leaders at the G20 Summit. In this video,Rick Sanchez,of CNN,says that may be the case. He could just be a germophobe,though.Remember that Bush reportedly used hand wipes after shaking Obama's hand at their first meeting.Here's an excerpt from the New York Times:

"Perhaps Mr. Obama will remind Mr. Bush of that when he sees him on Monday. Or perhaps he will remind Mr. Bush of another encounter, at a White House reception in January 2005 when, according to Mr. Obama’s book, the affable president offered a dollop of hand sanitizer — “Not wanting to seem unhygienic,” Mr. Obama wrote, “I took a squirt” — and then pulled him aside for some unsolicited political advice.(END OF EXCERPT) Read the whole article here:

So, what happened at the G20 Summit? Was George Bush snubbed or is he a serious germophobe?