Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Timberlee Is One, Hot Rising Jamaican Dancehall Artist!

When you think of female dancehall artist,Patra or Lady Saw comes to mind.But,you must hear this girl,Timberlee.She's the latest female to hit the dancehall scene.Although she's not as good as her predecessors,Timberlee can certainly hang with the likes of Macka Diamond & Queen Paula,just to name a few.Here's her video to "Bubble Like Soup"! She's also got a hot new single called,"Heels"! Doesn't she kind of look like Ashanti? Here's her bio:

"Timberlee is Reggae Dancehall's new leading lady, who is igniting the world with her red-hot single "Bubble Like Soup," among other scorchers. Over the past few months, this femme fetale has been performing before raving crowds. It's no surprise that Timberlee is winning over both divas and dons alike with her ever-so infectious lyrics "hot gyal a hot gyal, sweet like honey." Timberlee's knack for dancehall music and stunning beauty have quickly thrusted her to the forefront of the female dancehall movement. Timberlee is focused on a prosperous career, spending loads of time on the road and in the studio cranking out hit music!"(Taken from this site:http://promo.sensimedia.net/cgi-bin/list/mail.cgi/archive/inc/20081129021053/

Ponzi Schemes Are Becoming An Issue!

Although these ponzi schemes weren't as huge as the one Bernie Madoff hatched,they still involved substantial amounts of money.Not only that,but there are more & more being discovered everyday.Here's more from The NY Times:

"Their names lack the Dickensian flair of Bernie Madoff, and the money they apparently stole from investors was a small fraction of the $50 billion that Mr. Madoff allegedly lost of his clients’ savings.

But the number of other people who have been caught running Ponzi schemes in recent weeks is adding up quickly, so much so that they have earned themselves a nickname: mini-Madoffs.

Some of these schemes have been operating for years, and others are of more recent vintage. But what is causing them to surface now appears to be a combination of a deteriorating economy and heightened skepticism about outsize returns after the revelations about Mr. Madoff. That can scare off new clients and cause longtime investors to demand their money back, which brings the charade tumbling down.

“There is no way for a Ponzi to survive given the large number of redemptions and a lack of new investors,” said Stephen J. Obie, the head of enforcement at the Commodity Futures Trading Commission. The agency has experienced a doubling of reported leads to possible Ponzi schemes in the last year, and its enforcement caseload has risen this year.

On Monday, at a suburban New York train station, Nicholas Cosmo surrendered to federal authorities in connection with a suspected $380 million Ponzi scheme, in which investors paid a minimum of $20,000 for high-yield “private bridge” loans that he had arranged."(END OF EXCERPT)Read the rest here:http://www.nytimes.com/2009/01/28/business/28ponzi.html?_r=2&hp=&adxnnl=1&adxnnlx=1233118509-lQFjtMXuUmETO3bXKy8UmA

Another Man Kills Himself & His Family Behind Economic Woes!

This is the first murder-suicide that I've heard of for this year.I know that a man killed his family last year in California because of economic problems.In this case,there was a murder-suicide involving a couple with 5 kids.Apparently,they were despondent over being fired from there jobs at Kaiser. I've included news clips from both of those murder-suicides above.Here's more from CBS:

"A Los Angeles hospital has confirmed that two of its former employees died in family murder-suicide in the city's Wilmington area.

Kaiser Permanente Medical Center West Los Angeles says in a statement that Ervin Antonio Lupoe and his wife, Ana, were former employees and the hospital is cooperating in the police investigation.

Police say Lupoe shot his wife, 8-year-old daughter, twin 5-year-old daughters and twin 2-year-old boys shortly before 8:30 a.m. Tuesday in their home.

The hospital says in its statement, "We are deeply saddened to hear of the deaths of the Lupoe family."

Lupoe, apparently distraught over job problems fatally shot his wife, five young children and himself at their harbor-area home Tuesday.

Shortly before the killings, Lupoe faxed a letter to a TV station claiming that he and his wife had been fired from jobs as medical technicians and she suggested they kill themselves and their children, too.

"Why leave the children to a stranger?" Lupoe wrote, according to KABC-TV.

KABC reported that Lupoe claimed in the fax that an administrator rebuffed them when they showed up to work, told them to file a union grievance and said, "You should have blown your brains out."

Lupoe wrote that they filed a grievance but nothing was done and two days later they were fired, KABC said.

"They did nothing to the manager who started such and did not attempt to assist us in the matter, knowing we have no job and five children under 8 years old with no place to go. So here we are," the note said.

At the bottom of the note, the man wrote, "Oh lord, my God, is there no hope for a widow's son?"

It was the third mass slaying of a family in Southern California since fall."(END OF EXCERPT)Read the rest here:http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2009/01/27/national/main4756957.shtml

How true it is that money is the root of all evil! I've lost everything in a fire but I was pleased to still have my life!If you believe in God,then you know he will make a way for you.It is the Evil One that puts these thoughts in an individual's head.I mean,it's one thing to take your own life.That's horrific enough!But,to deprive your children of a life is something I will never be able to comprehend.That man would rather murder his children than leave them with someone else.Why? These murder-suicides are totally perplexing to me!What do they think is waiting for them on the other side after they've murdered their whole family & themselves?!It's an impenetrable rationalization!