Caster Semenya took some glamour shots that had her looking like she could be related to Serena or Venus Williams.Although she's not as pretty as either one of the tennis superstars,Caster Semenya looks like a real woman on the cover of You magazine.I guess she got tired of being called a man.This magazine spread is proof of her femininity!!!
I know Glen Beck is somewhere kicking up his fat heels! After the relentless campaign against the very controversial Van Jones over at Fox News,President Obama's "green jobs" adviser is no more!! He has resigned amid the controversy.
When Van Jones was likened to Rev. Wright,I knew his time in the Obama administration would be cut short.His statements & beliefs really came back to bite him something fierce.The media has dug up & picked apart every statement that he has ever made.I'm just wondering how he passed muster in the first place.
Didn't the Obama administration know about these remarks before they gave him the job?!!
What the hell were they thinking?
Here's more from The AP:
"President Barack Obama's adviser Van Jones has resigned amid controversy over past inflammatory statements, the White House said early Sunday.
Jones, an administration official specializing in environmentally friendly "green jobs" with the White House Council on Environmental Quality was linked to efforts suggesting a government role in the 2001 terror attacks and to derogatory comments about Republicans.
The resignation comes as Obama is working to regain his footing in the contentious health care debate.
Jones issued an apology on Thursday for his past statements. When asked the next day whether Obama still had confidence in him, White House press secretary Robert Gibbs said only that Jones "continues to work in the administration."
The matter surfaced after news reports of a derogatory comment Jones made in the past about Republicans, and separately, of Jones' name appearing on a petition connected to the events surrounding the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks. That 2004 petition had asked for congressional hearings and other investigations into whether high-level government officials had allowed the attacks to occur.
"On the eve of historic fights for health care and clean energy, opponents of reform have mounted a vicious smear campaign against me," Jones said in his resignation statement. "They are using lies and distortions to distract and divide."
Jones said he has been "inundated with calls from across the political spectrum urging me to stay and fight."
But he said he cannot in good conscience ask his colleagues to spend time and energy defending or explaining his past.
Jones flatly said in an earlier statement that he did not agree with the petition's stand on the 9/11 attacks and that "it certainly does not reflect my views, now or ever."
As for his other comments he made before joining Obama's team, Jones said, "If I have offended anyone with statements I made in the past, I apologize."
Despite his apologies, Republicans demanded Jones quit.
Rep. Mike Pence of Indiana said in a statement, "His extremist views and coarse rhetoric have no place in this administration or the public debate." Missouri Sen. Christopher Bonds said Congress should investigate Jones's fitness the job.
Fox News Channel host Glenn Beck repeatedly denounced Jones after a group the adviser co-founded,, led an advertising boycott against Beck's show to protest his claim that Obama is a racist.
James Rucker, the organization's executive director, has said Jones had nothing to do with now and didn't even know about the campaign before it started."(END OF EXCERPT)Read the rest here.
Rachel Maddow,of the MSNBC show that bears her name,has done some reporting on the swine flu.Now,she has her own personal experience to add to her reports.She was out sick with the virus for a week.
But,I'm sure glad that she recovered because she conducted one helluva interview with Tom Ridge on the politicization of national security.Watch him looking very ill at ease when she asks the former Homeland Security Secretary to justify the war in Iraq.Even though she was as sweet as pie during the whole interview.
Tom Ridge commented on how civil the interview went considering the fact that he is a Republican & Maddow is a liberal.He said that he wished that the rest of the country could discuss differing viewpoints in the same manner.That is the only thing that Tom Ridge said that I could agree with.