Friday, January 2, 2009

People Still Get Suspicious Of Muslims On Airplanes!

A Muslim family was discussing where to sit on the plane when they found themselves being removed by federal authorities. After 9/11,it was hard for a black man with a turban to enter this country. Just ask the various Jamaican artists who were under suspicion & refused entry into this country after the terror attack.Some of that fear has subsided, but it still lingers. Here's more on this incident from CNN:

"A Muslim family removed from an airliner Thursday after passengers became concerned about their conversation say AirTran officials refused to rebook them, even after FBI investigators cleared them of wrongdoing.

Atif Irfan said federal authorities removed eight members of his extended family and a friend after passengers heard them discussing the safest place to sit and misconstrued the nature of the conversation.

Irfan, a U.S. citizen and tax attorney, said he was "impressed with the professionalism" of the FBI agents who questioned him, but said he felt mistreated when the airline refused to book the family for a later flight.

AirTran Airways late Thursday said they acted properly and that the family was offered full refunds and can fly with AirTran again.

"AirTran Airways complied with all TSA, law enforcement and Homeland Security directives and had no discretion in the matter," the company said in a prepared statement.

Family members said FBI agents tried to work it out with the airline, but to no avail.

"The FBI agents actually cleared our names," said Inayet Sahin, Irfan's sister-in-law. "They went on our behalf and spoke to the airlines and said, 'There is no suspicious activity here. They are clear. Please let them get on a flight so they can go on their vacation,' and they still refused."

"The airline told us that we can't fly their airline," Irfan said."(END OF EXCERPT)Read the entire article here:

This video is of a Senate Judiciary Hearing where Farhana Khera, of, talks about how the rights of Muslims have been violated here in the U.S. You must watch if you've never seen it.

I Told You I Couldn't Stand Charles Barkley!

This latest incident just proves how much disregard Charles Barkley has for others. In this case,he showed no respect for the cops that pulled him over, his wife, and the female passenger that was in his car. He told the police that he was just in a hurry to get some oral sex. And it certainly was not put that politely. I'm sure this is one New Year's Day that he will never forget.And I hope that he is truly embarrassed by this DUI arrest & his statements. But knowing how obnoxious Charles Barkley is,I doubt he feels anything at all.

This video is hell of funny & it's from

Thursday, January 1, 2009

HAPPY NEW YEAR TO EVERYONE! Make Living A Good Life Your Resolution!

Everyone has a bunch of resolutions for 2009. Whatever they may be, it can all be summed up in the title of this Midnite track. "Live the Life You Love" is one of the hardest goals to accomplish. Day in & day out that is what we all seek to do. But since I am in the process of turning over a new leaf,it is what I intend to do in my newly revamped life. Enjoy your year. Peace & blessings to all!