Wednesday, June 17, 2009

27-yr. Old Woman Was Arrested In Connection With The Beating Of An Oakland Salon Owner!

I did a post recently on a beating that took place at a Oakland salon.Melissa Seals was cutting a client's hair when six crazy hood rats came into her place of business with very bad intentions.

Ms. Seals was badly beaten.Then,the incident was videotaped by these evil women & put on You Tube for all to see!How horrific was that for Ms. Seals! I can't imagine.

But,I am happy to report that an arrest has been made in this case! A 27-yr. old woman is sitting behind bars right now.Hopefully,all of the women will suffer the same fate.

Here's more on this story from The Examiner:

"Cavenia Bryant has been arrested for her involvement in the Oakland beauty shop beating posted on You Tube. “We’re close on bringing them in. We don’t want to scare them by releasing the names publicly,” said Jeff Thomason, Public Information Officer for the Oakland Police Department.

The May 5 assault took place around 5:50 p.m., but the victim, Melissa Seals, didn’t call the Oakland Police Department until around 7 p.m., Thomason reported. Officers responded and took Seals’ statement: six women entered her Oakland hair salon as Seals cut a customer’s hair, they locked the door from the inside, then two of the women proceeded to beat Seals for several minutes. Three other women watched the attack and a fourth videotaped the beating.

After giving her statement to the responding officers Seals declined to press charges or identify any of the women involved in the attack, according to OPD records. Seals’ refused to press charges for the misdemeanor assault; the officers were obligated by department policy to take a report and close the case without further investigation."(END OF EXCERPT)Read the rest here.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The Tennessee GOP Aide Who A Sent Racist E-Mail Concerning President Obama Should Be Fired!

Racism should never be tolerated!And that's what this racist e-mail that concerns President Obama is!I don't care what folks want to claim.Depicting a black president as a black spot with a huge pair of white eyes in a presidential collage is way more than just "inappropriate."It is downright racist!And anyone that says otherwise is being disingenuous.

After years of black men being lynched in places like Tennessee,I don't get any chuckles from Jim Crow-style humor!I mean,we still have plantations in the South & they should serve as reminders of what the not so distant past was for African-Americans.

Not too long ago,this type of crap was acceptable!And Senator Diane Black seems to think that it still is.

Despite her assertions that this e-mail in no way represents the beliefs of her office,Sen.Black sees no reason to fire the racist aide who was responsible for it.

For that reason,I do not believe that Senator Diane Black is being sincere.Simply rebuking her aide for being a racist is most certainly not enough!

Here's more from CNN:

"The chairman of Tennessee's Democratic Party wants a Republican legislative aide fired for sending out a "reprehensible" e-mail depicting President Obama as two cartoonish white eyes peering from a black background.

Obama's image is in the last square of a collage containing portraits of the previous 43 U.S. presidents. Copies of the e-mail were posted on the Internet on Monday.

Sherri Goforth, an administrative assistant to state Sen. Diane Black, R-Gallatin, has admitted she sent the e-mail May 28 with the title "Historical Keepsake Photo." She said, without elaborating, that she mistakenly sent it "to the wrong list of people."

According to The Tennessean, a Nashville newspaper, a note on the e-mail said it was paid for by the Tennessee Republican Party, but GOP officials denied that they produced it. Black chairs the Senate Republican Caucus.

"I want people to know that the communication was sent without my knowledge, and that ... this does not reflect my beliefs or my values or my opinions, and I won't tolerate those kind of communications coming from my office," Black told CNN affiliate WKRN-TV in Nashville.

Black rebuked Goforth but didn't dismiss her.

CNN left phone messages Tuesday for Goforth and Black.

"Is this indicative of what Senate Republicans think about our commander in chief?" asked state Democratic Party Chairman Chip Forrester in a statement posted on the party's Web site.

"I am calling on Senator Black to reject this racist smear and fire this staffer who, on state government time, on state government computers, using a state government e-mail account, launched this bigoted attack on our president," Forrester said. "Keeping her on the staff would send the message that this type of behavior is condoned by the Senate Republican Caucus."

"This e-mail is reprehensible, insults the office of the president, and is embarrassing to all Tennesseans regardless of political party," Forrester said.

Goforth told Christian Grantham of the Web site Nashville Is Talking that she had received a letter of reprimand from her superiors but will remain on the job.

Grantham said Goforth told him she felt "very bad about accidentally sending it to the wrong list" of people.

"I went on the wrong e-mail and I inadvertently hit the wrong button," Grantham quoted Goforth as saying. "I'm very sick about it, and it's one of those things I can't change or take back."

Forrester, in his Web posting, said, "Ms. Goforth does not seem to understand what she did wrong. She has apologized for 'sending [the e-mail] to the wrong list of people.' I believe that any list of people would have recognized this e-mail as offensive and hateful."

State Rep. Johnny Shaw, D-Bolivar, a member of the black and Democratic caucuses, told WKRN-TV that Goforth should be fired.

"I don't think a reprimand is enough. I think this lady needs to go. I don't think she should be a part of the people who represent the state of Tennessee," Shaw said.

He told CNN that Goforth and Black, as well as Republican Lt. Gov. and Senate Speaker Ron Ramsey, should make public apologies for the incident."(END OF EXCERPT)Read the entire story here.

Bristol Palin Should Be The One Speaking Out About Letterman's Tasteless Joke!

I think I know why Sarah Palin is getting hammered by her critics for defending her daughters.They claim that she just wants to draw attention to herself & that's the reason that she's been so vocal about the outrage she feels towards David Letterman.

People are protesting because David Letterman told a horrifically insensitive & tasteless "joke" about Bristol Palin.Or so he says.Sarah Palin has been out there defending both of her children.And I applaud her for that.

But,where the hell is Bristol Palin in this discussion?If she was old enough to get pregnant & have her baby,then Bristol Palin is mature enough to defend both herself & her 14 yr. old sister!

Unlike her mom,I don't think anyone would be able to criticize Bristol Palin for standing up to David Letterman
.No one could accuse her of milking this story for publicity & political gain.That would be tasteless in itself!

Since Bristol Palin has been exposed to the media already,what would be the harm in letting her speak for herself? She was the intended target of Letterman's joke,after all.Not her mother,Sarah Palin.

Who could deny Bristol Palin's right to be outraged?

Here's more on the feud between Sarah Palin & David Letterman from The NY Times:

"David Letterman directly apologized to Gov. Sarah Palin and her daughters on his program Monday night, saying he took responsibility for a joke that had offended Ms. Palin, her family and her supporters.

Mr. Letterman opened the desk portion of his show with the apology, in which he said he wanted to say he was sorry to “the two daughters involved, Bristol and Willow, and also to the governor and her family and everybody else who was outraged by the joke.” Two weeks ago on his “Late Show” program on CBS, he had joked about Governor Palin’s attending a Yankee game with her daughter.

The joke, in which Mr. Letterman seemingly confused Willow, who is 14 and attended a Yankee game with Governor Palin that week, with Bristol, who is 18 and an unwed mother, had to do with the Yankee slugger Alex Rodriguez impregnating Ms. Palin’s daughter.

Last week Mr. Letterman somewhat defiantly said that there was a misperception going on and that he would never make a sexually charged joke about a 14-year old. But he never expressly explained that he had inadvertently confused the two Palin daughters.

Monday he acknowledged that as the host of the program it was his responsibility to get the joke right. “I told a joke that was beyond flawed, and my intent is completely meaningless compared to the perception.”

He also insisted he was confused about the daughters. “I was told at the time she was there with Rudy Giuliani,” Mr. Letterman said. “I should have made the joke about Rudy.”

The issue has been seized upon by supporters of Ms. Palin, who have called for everything from a boycott of Mr. Letterman’s advertisers to his outright firing. They have planned a rally for Tuesday at Mr. Letterman’s theater on Broadway in Manhattan."(END OF EXCERPT)Read the rest here.