Thursday, January 5, 2012

Grandma Was A Democrat

 Original Poem:

Grandma Was A Democrat

I know why grandma's heart was solely&decidedly Democrat
With Rosa Parks their beliefs sat, while Republicans stood back
Since I've become edified by the workings of the political class
My heart is mortified , they've both glorified those who amass cash
Moral conviction doesn't count, it's simply about the dollar amount
Having a tremendous bank account seems to be the way to surmount
Or usurp the political superpower that belongs to the man of the hour
For 99% of us feel awfully dour as we watch politicians cower & cower
In an wholly ideological box, that is removed from all the hard knocks
Of life when you can't outfox, the elites that hold the keys to the locks
On the doors that won't give way,though you try them every single day
As politicians & elites parlay, folks resign themselves to menial pay
If grandma were still alive, she would say these turkeys are talking jive
Attentive when poll numbers slide, only for the richest will they strive
Who works on the behalf of the poor chap,grandma said the democrat
Sadly,the fact is the Republican &Democrat are part of the same old act

Written by Tamu Harper