Monday, September 15, 2008

Economic Woes Hit All Americans! This Woman Looks Like She Is Feeling Serious Pain!

This picture captures the general mood & emotion of most Americans. If I didn't know better, I would think this was me. I have been hit hard with a job transfer which I have to decline. My gas expense would be about $15 per day because it's 62 miles round trip. Because of that, I will have to let this job go. We all know that the job market is crowded so I'm sure finding another job will be difficult. When I saw this photo, I had to post it here. Kudos to the photographer that illustrated the financial despair that most of us feel!

The issue of the day is the economy. Depending on how bad it gets, I may have to consider relocating to another country. That is why I blog about political matters so much. It is a meaningful subject to me because I know how much the country will change. The question is what will the change be? I am researching both candidates & I have made my choice clear. For those who do not like either choice, I hope you are exploring your options. Do not just skip voting. Find out why you do or do not like these people independently. Please do not let political pundits & commentators instruct you in your decision making. Most of them have not been hit hard by the economy like you & I.

Whether you like black people or not should not play a role here. Unfortunately, the republicans have made digs at Barack Obama (the community organizer)which may appeal to racists. Now, I am not saying that you are a racist if you do not vote for Barack Obama. Nor am I saying you are racist if you are white & won't vote for him. There are some black people who won't vote for him because he is black. Only you know if you were objective in your reasoning. Remember your vote will directly affect the future of this great country. Be fair & sensible. For more on the issue of racism towards blacks,check out the video bar on this page. Until my next post, have a great night!

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