Thursday, October 2, 2008

Gwen Ifill Will Be Objective & Tough Because She's A Real Reporter!

John McCain has concerns about fairness. Nothing about his campaign has been fair so I find that to be quite ironic. Is this man a walking contradiction or what? No, he's just a hypocrite. Remember that he didn't think that race should play a part in this campaign? Well, the republicans have been the ones making Barack Obama's race a factor during this election. All of the racist paraphenilia (posters,emails, dolls, waffle boxes,etc...) have been associated with someone from the republican party. The campaign can disassociate themselves from the folks who distribute racist imagery & materials who are republicans. They cannot detach themselves from the racist ideology that is prevalent in the republican party.
Gwen Ifill has now had her integrity called into question because of a book she has written. It is not going to be released until the next president is inaugurated. What is the book about? All of the black politicians that have emerged in what she has branded the "Obama Age". The uproar is over whether she disclosed this fact before she was vetted to be the moderator for the VP debate. The claim has been made,mostly on Fox, that Gwen Ifill's book sales will increase if Barack Obama wins. So, she basically needs Joe Biden to be viewed as the winner of this debate. The belief is that if Joe Biden wins then Barack Obama will be the next president. Oh, please! What is the Fox channel's real motives in pushing this story? We all know they are not objective & that they support Mccain/Palin. So here's the real reason for all this hoopla over Gwen Ifill.

The real reason this became a subject of contention right before the debate is crystal clear. Sarah Palin's performance will either suck or breathe life into John McCain's bid for the presidency. It all hinges on how well she does. This outcry against Gwen Ifill is nothing but a play out of McCain's political playbook. If Sarah Palin can't answer the tough questions then blame Gwen Ifill. After all, she's written a favorable book toward Obama. The really nasty underlying insinuation is that she's on Obama's side because she's black. Even Gwen Ifill said that this assumption was not made about Lou Cannon who wrote a book about Ronald Reagan. She said she did not know if her race was at play here. She is just being a professional because we all know that's why. That just goes to show how diplomatic & objective she is as a respected journalist. Here's the link to the story on John McCain's concerns: (

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