Friday, October 3, 2008

Look At "The Keating 5" Incident For More Insight On McCain

"Barack Obama has poor judgement", according to Palin & Mccain. Another one of their favorite charges is that he has some political ties that compromise his character. All of the dishonesty & hypocrisy that John McCain has exhibited is not just regular politics at play. It's not bad decisions being made by his campaign advisers when you see ads that are wholly untrue about Barack Obama. This is John McCain being his usual self. He is the consumate politician like I have said before. That just means he is very adept at deception & manipulation.Here's a link to a story done in 2007 about John McCain's role as part of "The Keating 5":
This article details a major example of an incident in which John McCain admitted himself that he used "poor judgement". It talks about how he "wrings his hands when he has to make decisions". The "Keating 5" was an event in John McCain life that every voter should bear in mind. Especially since John McCain accuses Barack Obama of being dishonest & using poor judgement. For me, every time I hear McCain's name, I think "Washington insider". Since Sarah Palin is going against "Washington", how does she reconcile herself to the fact that her running mate is the biggest "Washington insider" in this race? Oh,I know. She has a limited repertoire so she probably has not been crammed yet with those facts.

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