Madonna needs to frame the first image over all of her mirrors & workout equipment. Especially the t-shirt she is wearing. Healthy is not an adjective that could be applied to Madonna! The gaunt but muscular appearance of her body is such a vast difference from the way it used to look. She almost looks like a cadaver.Everyone bought more into her style than her talent.Her current look may have contributed to the dissolution of Madonna & Guy Ritchie's marriage. Now, she's never been a great beauty but she was always undeniably sexy. I don't think she is allowing herself to age gracefully but I don't think she looks like anyone's "grandma" either. Guy Ritchie was probably angered by the fact that being married to one of the world's biggest superstars didn't boost his career. In fact, it seemed to tank once they got hitched! I think he was harboring resentment because of her powerful image & personality. British men usually like their women to be proper & demure. Two things that she defintely is not.
Apparently, she was obsessed with keeping up a youthful appearance. It seemed to have wrecked her sex life & marriage. The 10 year age difference between Guy & Madonna was used by him to demean her. There is an article in the New York Post about their marital strife & impending divorce. Here's an excerpt that talks about how her fixation with her physicality & youth drove a wedge between them:
"The singer claims that Ritchie, 10 years her junior, told her that she "looked like a granny" onstage, that she couldn't act, and that she was "past it" when she hit 50 in August, according to London's Daily Mail.
The Material Mom would spend "half the day" working out, making her too tired to have sex - leading to an 18-month dry spell at one point, according to the News of the World.
Even when they did get intimate, Ritchie complained to pals that it was like "cuddling up to a piece of gristle," the paper reported.
Beside a rigid exercise regime, Madonna's other obsessions included a meat-free diet and strict adherence to the mystical teachings of the kabbalah.
Food bans were so strict that Ritchie had to wheedle his wife into allowing son Rocco, 8, to have a birthday cake last year, a source told the Mail.
The skeletal-looking superstar apparently engages in weird anti-aging rituals, smearing thousands of dollars' worth of creams on her skin before sleep and stuffing herself into a plastic suit meant to keep her skin supple." (END OF EXCERPT) Read the full article here:
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