Thursday, November 27, 2008

Anderson Cooper Is Less Impassioned Than Keith Olbermann About Prop. 8 Even Though He Is Gay!

In this video, Anderson Cooper of CNN interviews S.F. Mayor Gavin Newsom about Proposition 8. He seems to be totally indifferent to the subject even though he allegedly has a live-in boyfriend for almost 2 years now. According to Jossip:

"More than two years later … and Anderson Cooper is still dating the same guy? Though we've heard rumors about different paramours in between, 27-ish wine importer Julio Cesar Recio was just spotted leaving LAX with a passport-equipped Cooper."(END OF EXCERPT)Read the rest here:

Now, look at Keith Olbermann's very enraged rant about the passage of Proposition 8. I just wonder how honest Anderson Cooper is with himself since he's "keeping them honest". And so does Keith Olbermann. This is an excerpt from

"He's repeatedly taken on the Bush Administration, Bill O'Reilly, Rush Limbaugh, and pretty much anyone else he suspects of being a hypocrite. Turns out Olbermann's outspokenness extends to his fellow news anchor Anderson Cooper of CNN. In a recent interview with New York Magazine Olbermann has this to say about Anderson (recently "outed" so to speak by Out magazine):

"Don’t tell me you don’t want to talk about personal life when you wrote a book about your father’s death and your brother’s death. You can’t move this big mass of personal stuff out for public display, then people ask questions and you say, ‘Oh, no, I didn’t say there was going to be any questions.’ It’s the same thing as the Bush administration saying, ‘We’re going to war, but you really aren’t allowed to know why."

Don't hold back there, Keith! But that isn't all. Olbermann goes on to say:

"Don’t tell me you can’t talk about your personal life and then, when they send you overseas and you do a report that consists of your voice-over and pictures of you in a custom-made, blue-to-match-your-eyes bulletproof vest, looking somberly at these scenes of human devastation—like a tourist—and that’s your report. Your shtick is your personal life."(END OF EXCERPT) Read the rest here:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is an old post, but I can't help responding.

Cooper and Olbermann's styles and shows are completely different.

Cooper is an old school reporter who tries his utmost to maintain his professional neutrality and present issues in a nonpartisan impartial way. He refuses to divulge anything about himself that might suggest his personal stances on issues, including his religious views, political affiliations, and opinions on all controversial issues.

Olbermann is part of the huge wave of partisan commentators whose shows are based on them giving impassioned speeches, rants and sarcasm to provide their personal opinions about the issues of the day to audience who watch because they are already in agreement. It started out eith the ringth wingers like O'Reilly and now there are the left wingers like Olbermann too.

When you read Olbermann's rant about Cooper it's also worth remembering Cooper is part of his competition and that lots of people in the media try to start public feuds because if you succeed in getting the other person responding it's a rating booster. I haven't seen Olbermann dishing out similar rants against other famous people like Jodie Foster who live openly gay lives while refusing to discuss it in interviews.