Friday, December 12, 2008

Oprah's Weight Issues Just Prove To Me That It's All About Willpower In The End!

You can hire all the fancy celebrity trainers & go on the most expensive diet possible. If your brain isn't tuned into it, nothing's going to do it. It's not about envying skinny women & shucking the weight off. Weight is usually not the issue in most cases. As Oprah Winfrey said, eating is a drug. And why do people self-medicate in the first place? They are usually in a bad emotional place that they don't want to be in. For some people, food can give you a sense of euphoria.When I eat a slice of plain cheesecake,it feels like I have eaten manna from heaven. Even though I know that each slice brings me closer to diabetes. You don't even want to know how many calories are in just one slice! That's kind of what makes it so-o-o tempting. And I feel so satiated afterwards. When I realize that someone has wealthy as Oprah can put on 200 pounds just like anyone else, I don't feel so bad. This just proves that it's all about willpower in the end. No matter how much money you have!

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