Wow,even Spiderman is a fan of Barack Obama. Marvel Comics will feature President Obama in a special edition of their Spiderman series.How cool is this picture,dude? Here's more from BBC:
"The comic, a special bonus story in Marvel's Amazing Spider-Man #583, starts with Spider-Man's alter-ego Peter Parker taking photographs at the inauguration, before spotting two identical Obamas.
Parker decides "the future president's gonna need Spider-Man" and springs into action, using basketball, another passion of Mr Obama's, to determine the real Mr Obama and knocking out the impostor.
Mr Obama thanks him with a fist-bump. Last June, Fox News television presenter E.D. Hill was taken off the air after she accused Mr Obama and his wife Michelle of greeting each other with a "terrorist's fist jab".
Joe Quesada, Marvel's editor-in-chief, said Marvel Comics wanted to give him a "shout-out back" by featuring him in a bonus story after the President-Elect said he had collected Spider-Man comics as a child."(END OF EXCERPT) Read the rest here:http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/howaboutthat/4178474/Barack-Obama-appears-in-Spider-Man-comic.html
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