I don't know if you've heard of the knife crime epidemic over in Europe,yet.Joseph Wardley is the guy pictured above.He got into an altercation with a guy who slashed his face up.Damn,whatever happened to fist-fights? Here's more on this tragic story from the Telegraph:
"Joseph Wardley, then 18, was left looking like a "human spirograph" and will be disfigured for life despite extensive plastic surgery.
He suffered 10 wounds to his head including a 9in gash down the left side of his skull, and needed 150 stitches and 15 staples in his face and scalp.
Surgeons have told Mr Wardley, 19, from Huntingdon, Cambs., that he may still need further operations to repair the horrific damage.
Attacker Jamie Bird, 17, was on bail for arson when he hacked off part of the teenager's left ear with a craft knife during the vicious attack last August.
Bird, from Godmanchester, Cambs., admitted wounding with intent and possessing an offensive weapon at Peterborough Crown Court on Monday.
He has also been found guilty of a separate charge of arson, which he had denied.
Judge Sean Enright sentenced Bird to a total of six years for wounding with concurrent sentences for the other charges.
The judge lifted reporting restrictions on the case because of the "quite devastating" injuries resulting from the sustained attack.
Prosecuting counsel John Goodier said on the day of the attack there had been "eyeballing" between Bird and Mr Wardley, who was in a car.
Mr Wardley spat at Bird who spat back before launching his ferocious assault in which he used the three-inch craft knife "extensively"."(END OF EXCERPT)Read the rest here:http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/politics/lawandorder/4298825/Teenage-stab-victim-left-looking-like-human-spirograph.html
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