Erkyah Badu has a way of picking equally talented musicians to create a baby with.It's like the ultimate collaboration for her.Her new offspring was produced with none other than hip hop whiz kid,Jay Electronica.Now,you have to be a true hip-hop head to know about this dude.If you don't know about his music & production credits,then watch the interview that I included.Here's more about their new baby from Celebrity Baby Blog:
"Singer/songwriter Erykah Badu and her boyfriend Jay Electronica have welcomed their first child together! The couple’s baby girl was born today, February 1st, at “1:30 p.m. exactly,” according to the proud papa who, along with Erykah, provided updates throughout the day via Twitter. Sharing that their daughter had arrived, Jay writes,
“It’s the happiest day of my life.”
While no other details — including a name — have been released, per Jay’s updates, Erykah, 37, delivered her third child naturally. “My daughter is ready. Labor has begun. Everybody stand back. No hospitals. No doctors. No medicine. We’re waiting on midwife to show up,” revealed the excited dad earlier today. From the sound of things, Jay, along with Erykah’s 4 ½-year-old daughter Puma Rose had things under control! “I’m doing foot squeezes and foot rubs when the contractions hit. Puma is rubbing her hands.”(END OF EXCERPT) Read the rest here:http://celebrity-babies.com/2009/02/01/erykah-badu-and-jay-electronica-welcome-a-daughter/
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