Friday, February 27, 2009

Slumdog Millionaire Star Gets Slapped By His Father Because He Shunned The Media!

The little boy that starred in "Slumdog Millionaire" was beaten by his father for not wanting to talk to journalists.The poor kid had jet lag & he just wanted to rest.And for that reason his father slapped him in the face!Here's more from The Daily Mail:

"He's become an object of adulation for millions, but ten-year-old Azharuddin Ismail’s stardom doesn’t appear to cut much ice back at home with his father.
The youngster, who played the hero of Slumdog Millionaire as a child, received a beating from Ismail Usnay, 45, apparently for disobedience.

On Thursday Azharuddin had returned to Mumbai after Slumdog’s triumph at the Oscar ceremony.Exhausted by a chaotic welcome and a long flight from Los Angeles, he was given the day off school yesterday. But when he refused to step outside his home in the Dharavi slum in Bandra to speak to journalists, his father lashed out.
‘His father went mad,’ said a witness.

‘He wanted to show his son off to journalists and local people, but Azharuddin said he wanted to be left alone because he was tired.’

Crying and holding his ear, Azharuddin ran inside the makeshift home and tried to hide in the corner.

The ugly scene lasted no more than 30 seconds after Ismail, who is infected with TB, was restrained by neighbours.The child's mother, who is blind in one eye, had also begged Ismail, 45, to stop the physical punishment.Last night Usnay apologised for striking his son.

‘I was so confused and stressed by my son’s homecoming,’ he added. ‘I love my boy and I am very happy to have him home.’
The aggression was in stark contrast to the previous day's triumphant return to the slums, when Azharuddin's father lifted him up and paraded him like a trophy for the expectant crowds.
With the massed media long gone and the euphoria of returning home ebbing away, the reality of life in the slums seemed to be hitting the child hard."(END OF EXCERPT)Read the rest here.

Now,I don't care how much stress his father is under.There is no excuse for slapping & kicking your child! WTF?!!This kid's role in that movie really brought good fortune to his family.His father ought to be grateful & angry at the media for invading his son's privacy.Instead,this man just wants to milk his son's sudden fame for all that it's worth.How shameful is that!

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