Saturday, April 25, 2009

Shane Murphy Is Tired Of Rush Limbaugh's Unpatriotic Hate Speech!

If you are a "dittohead",please do not respond to this post about Rush Limbaugh.I know that you will only rush to his defense in your comment,so don't waste both of our time.Let me just state upfront that I agree with Shane Murphy's assertions about the fat,drug addict.

Shane Murphy was the second-in-command aboard the American merchant ship seized by pirates.Rush Limbaugh called the Somali pirates "black muslim teenagers".He also implied that President Obama was reluctant to order them killed because of their race & religion.Those remarks were so despicable that it drove Shane Murphy to speak out!

"It feels great to be home.It feels like everyone around here has my back, with the exception of Rush Limbaugh, who is trying to make this into a race issue...that's disgusting.You gotta get with us or against us here, Rush.The president did the right thing...It's a war.... It's about good versus evil. And what you said is evil. It's hate speech. I won't tolerate it",Murphy says.

Shane Murphy realizes just how unpatriotic Rush Limbaugh really is! He spews a steady stream of hate speech on a daily basis
!I would be in complete denial if I said otherwise.Rush Limbaugh uses words to incite hatred.Therefore,most of what he says is actually hate speech.And you have to be one evil,racist lunatic to be in sync with Rush Limbaugh.There is no defense for who Rush Limbaugh is & what he stands for,which is pure unadulterated evil!

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