Monday, April 27, 2009

With All The Uncertainty Surrounding The Swine Flu Outbreak,I Would Not Travel To Mexico!

Despite all of the uncertainty surrounding the rapidly spreading swine flu,people are making trips to Mexico anyway.Well,I would really air on the side of caution & cancel any plans that I had to go to Mexico.Right now,that's what the government is advising.They are suggesting that people put off all non-essential visits to Mexico.Here's an excerpt from an in-depth report on what could become a full-blown pandemic from Newsweek:

"An epidemic of swine flu has recently developed in Mexico and the United States, says the CDC. Swine flu has killed many people, and the outbreak has features that suggest it could become a global pandemic. A pandemic is an epidemic that spreads around the whole world. Pandemics also often cause more severe disease than epidemics.

As of Sunday, April 27, the United States has declared a public health emergency, and suspect or confirmed cases are being reported from many parts of the world. If a pandemic happens, it could be very serious for human health and the global economy (which definitely does not need any more bad news right now)."(END OF EXCERPT)Read the rest here.

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