Tuesday, May 26, 2009

I Was Saddened By The News That Mike Tyson's Daughter Died!!

I was saddened by the news that Mike Tyson's four-year old daughter died in what's being called a "tragic accident".With all of the serious highs & lows that this man has already been through,this has to be the worst of them all.

My prayers go out to both Mike Tyson & his family in their time of grief.And may the beautiful Exodus Tyson rest in peace.

Here's more on this tragic story from the Telegraph:

"Exodus had been found the day before with a cord around her neck following an accident at home in Phoenix, Arizona.

Police said she had been playing on a treadmill at home on Monday when her head apparently slipped inside a hanging cord.

The girl's seven-year-old brother found her and alerted her mother, who called the emergency services.

She spent the last day on life support at the nearby St. Joseph's Hospital and Medical Centre in central Phoenix.

Tyson, the former world heavyweight boxing champion, was not in Phoenix at the time of the accident, but flew home from Las Vegas to be with her. He was seen rushing into the hospital after taking a taxi from the airport.

Phoenix police spokesman Andy Hill said Exodus was pronounced dead in a hospital just before noon on Tuesday."(END OF EXCERPT)Read the rest here.

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