Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Vicodin & Percocet May Be Eliminated If The FDA Panel Gets Its Way!
I must have a very high tolerance for prescription drugs because Vicodin did nothing to ease the pain from a wisdom tooth extraction that I had.But,apparently,Vicodin has some powerful pain relieving ingredients that combine acetaminophen with other narcotics.
Acetaminophen can cause liver damage & that fact has the FDA(Food and Drug Administration) panel so worried that they want to reduce the amount of acetaminophen in over-the-counter drugs,such as Tylenol.And they want to ban prescription drugs like Vicodin altogether.
Here's more on the FDA panel's recommendations from Freep.com:
"Government experts called for sweeping safety restrictions today on the most widely used painkiller, including reducing the maximum dose of Tylenol and eliminating prescription drugs such as Vicodin and Percocet.
The Food and Drug Administration assembled 37 experts to recommend ways to reduce deadly overdoses with acetaminophen, which is the leading cause of liver failure in the U.S. and sends 56,000 people to the emergency room annually. About 200 die each year.
“We’re here because there are inadvertent overdoses with this drug that are fatal and this is the one opportunity we have to do something that will have a big impact,” said Dr. Judith Kramer of Duke University Medical Center.
But over-the-counter cold medicines — such as Nyquil and Theraflu — that combine other drugs with acetaminophen can stay on the market, the panel said, rejecting a proposal to take them off store shelves.
The FDA is not required to follow the advice of its panels, though it usually does. The agency gave no indication when it would act on the recommendations.
In a series of votes today, the panel recommended 21-16 to lower the maximum dose of over-the-counter acetaminophen from 4 grams, or eight pills of a medication such as Extra Strength Tylenol. They did not specify how much it should be lowered.
The panel also endorsed limiting the maximum single dose of the drug to 650 milligrams. That would be down from the 1,000-milligram dose, or two tablets of Extra Strength Tylenol.
A majority of panelists also said the 1,000-milligram dose should only be available by prescription.
The industry group that represents Johnson & Johnson, Wyeth and other companies defended the current dosing that appears on over-the-counter products."(END OF EXCERPT)Read the rest here.
A Woman Gets 5 Years For Zapping A Cheerleading Coach With A Stun Gun!
I think that getting 5 yrs for using a stun gun on a cheerleading coach is about as ridiculous as the crime itself.Why so much time for a woman who did less damage to her victim than Chris Brown did to his?
LeShawn Cathlene Fisher is the Oklahoma woman who did something really stupid for her friend.Julie Ann Bell's daughter didn't make the cheerleading team.For that reason,Ms. Bell wanted to get revenge on the cheerleading coach.So,Ms. Fisher zapped the cheerleading coach in the neck for her friend.
Here's more from NEWSOK:
" A stun-gun-using assailant wept Wednesday as she was sentenced to five years in prison for an attack last year on a high school cheerleading sponsor.
"It was not a fair ruling,” a handcuffed, tearful LeShawn Cathlene Fisher said as sheriff’s deputies took her to jail. "I love my children, my family, my friends. I don’t deserve this.”
Fisher, 37, of Choctaw will have to serve five more years on probation after her release.
She was fined $1,000.
Fisher shocked the cheerleading sponsor in the neck outside Putnam City North High School on April 18, 2008, as they sat in the victim’s car. Prosecutors alleged a cheerleader’s mother, Julie Ann Bell, was behind the attack on sponsor Bethany Lorenz. Fisher and Bell are friends.
Jurors at a trial last week acquitted Bell.
Oklahoma County District Judge Ray Elliott chose Fisher’s punishment, rejecting her attorney’s request for only probation. He said he was appalled Fisher lied at Bell’s trial.
Fisher testified at the trial she acted on her own and Bell was not involved. "I don’t want someone else to pay for what I did,” she said at trial. "I didn’t think about it. It just happened. It was such an impulsive thing.”
The judge Wednesday said he was not naive and that Fisher had "one last chance” to explain her reasons for the attack. Fisher replied that she loves children and felt the sponsor was not treating girls fairly.
She again did not implicate Bell.
"I’m not buying it,” Elliott said."(END OF EXCERPT)Read the rest here.
I Had No Idea That Joe & Katherine Jackson Were Separated!
I had no idea that Michael Jackson's parents were separated.But,apparently,they have been living apart since the 80's.Joe Jackson reportedly lives in Las Vegas & Katherine Jackson lives in Encino,CA.They have always appeared in public together,so it came as a shock to me.
Here's more on that from the NY Daily News:
"It was unclear if Jackson's father, whom the singer accused of abusing him as a child, might help raise the three children.
Katherine Jackson and Joe Jackson separated in the 1980s. He lives in Las Vegas but spends time at the family house.
Both of the superstar's parents signed papers requesting that Katherine Jackson be put in charge of his money, claiming he died "intestate," without a will."(END OF EXCERPT)Read the story in its entirety here.
Did Michael Jackson Leave A Will That Excluded Joe Jackson?
There's been so much speculation on whether Michael Jackson had a will or not.Well,it turns out that he did draw one up.And the father that has been out there acting so undignified may have been left out of it!
I have even more sympathy for Michael Jackson's travails once I saw how uncaring his father seems to be.I believe Joe Jackson cared way more about Michael Jackson as the world's biggest superstar than he did as his son.And that's probably why Michael didn't leave his father anything.
Here's more on that from Yahoo!News:
"The question of whether Michael Jackson had a valid will at the time of his death just got a little more complicated.
Yesterday, parents Joe and Katherine Jackson sought control of Michael's estate, claiming in court documents that the King of Pop died without a will. Hours later, one drafted in 2002 surfaced.
According to the Wall Street Journal, the document—which will no doubt be the centerpiece of a lengthy and ferocious legal battle in months to come—divides the superstar's estate among his mother, his three children (Prince Michael, Paris and Prince Michael II) and at least one charity.
It's unclear what custody arrangements, if any, Jackson made for his three children. But a court ruling yesterday gave temporary guardianship to Katherine.
At least one aspect of the will does appear to be clear: Joe Jackson wasn't named as an heir.
The will, drafted by Jackson's longtime attorney John Branca, may be filed in probate court as early as Thursday.
So far, the family is mum on the document.
"No will has been presented to family or us," Joe and Katherine's lawyer, L. Londell McMillan, told the Journal. "We will review any will when we see it."
Something About Joe Jackson Really Rubs Me The Wrong Way!
Is it just me or does Joe Jackson appear to be devoid of all emotion? If my son had just died,I wouldn't be acting anything like him.Joe Jackson actually took a press conference that was supposed to be about his son's death & turned it into a marketing opportunity.Something about him really rubs me the wrong way.I mean,couldn't he have waited to introduce his new record company?It was a very undignified thing to do.
Monday, June 29, 2009
A Very Emotional & Stunningly Beautiful Janet Jackson Pays Tribute To Her Brother!
Wow,Janet Jackson looked absolutely stunning even in her grief last night at the BET awards!She said that she was elected by the Jackson family to issue a statement on their behalf.And that's what she did in the most eloquent fashion imaginable!It was really quite moving.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
A Lot Of People Summed Up BET's Tribute To Michael Jackson In One Word:Buffoonery!
It seems that the general opinion out there about the 2009 BET Awards show was that it was nothing but a showcase for buffoonery.The comments on one website are so intense that I thought I would post a few of them here.But before I do that,let me share my critique of the show.
I thought it was a really,really good show with a lot of heartfelt performances.Witness Nee-Yo give one of the best tributes to Michael Jackson in the video above. And as always,Beyonce was exactly on point.Watch for yourself if you didn't catch it already.
The problem that I think some people had with the awards show was the fact that they felt it was an inappropriate tribute to the King of Music.What the critics should keep in mind is that this was really an impromptu tribute to Michael Jackson.I'm sure that if they had more time they could have assembled a show that would have appealed to all types of people.
The common complaint was that the 2009 BET Awards show was "too ghetto".Well,let me tell all of those out there right now that I am from West Oakland.In fact,I grew up directly across the street from where Huey Newton was murdered.It was like the heart of the ghetto.So,I happen to have no problem with things or people that can be considered "ghetto".
Let me share another aspect of my life with you.Part of my childhood was spent right off of Trestle Glen Rd. in Oakland,Ca. For those who do not know,that is a suburb.Growing up on two sides of the fence has really taught me to appreciate all things ghetto & suburban.I actually feel more comfortable around folks from the "hood" than I do the ones from the "burbs".There's less pretense in the ghetto.You feel me?
In summation,I think that the BET Awards show tonight represented all types of black folks.From the ones that make you cringe to the folks that make you proud,BET embraced them all.And I think that's how it should be.Give BET some slack,critics!
Now,let me give you other people's take on the 2009 BET Awards show from Entertainment Weekly:
"TC Mon, Jun 29, 2009 at 12:10 AM EST
Where was the real Michael Jackson Tribute??? The show was substandard to what MJJ deserves and it should have truly honored Michael Jackson with a huge/extravagant music and dance tribute. All of the commercials indicated that the show had been overhauled to give honor and tribute to MJJ. I know BET could’ve done better than this! Jamie Foxx did a great job hosting and the O’Jays gave a great performance, other than that, the show was a total disappointment.
Also…I felt like BET mislead the public and participated in false advertisement to increase the BET Award ratings. I could’ve found some people off of the street and put together a show honoring Michael that would have been far superior than tonight’s show.
Also, I agree with KB...Don Cornelius talked TOO LONG and someone should've pulled his coat tail or grabbed him and taped his mouth SHUT!
kb Mon, Jun 29, 2009 at 12:09 AM EST
BTW- At least a picture of Michael Jackson could have been shown with his date of birth up until the year he died. August 29, 1958 – June 25, 2009. Come on! That wld have been some sort of tribute..
Himmycat Mon, Jun 29, 2009 at 12:07 AM EST
Yes, we KNOW it was put together at the last minute, and we KNOW Michael's death was unexpected. This was NOT a wedding, Cocobrownface, it was supposed to be a TRIBUTE which, like I said should have been postponed until it could have been properly planned minus all that ghetto profanity and other nonsense!
ThrillerJackson Mon, Jun 29, 2009 at 12:05 AM EST
I think it as good as it was going to get with only a couple days to put together a tribute show since he died so unexpectedly.
Juanita Walton Mon, Jun 29, 2009 at 12:05 AM EST
What a mess!!! I was so embarrassed by Jamie Fox, his no funny humor, profanity and sexual overtones. My 14 year old daughter caught the end of the show and asked me why children were on the stage while they bleeped Lil Wayne, singing about sex!!! How inappropriate. Since when is it that you don’t feel comfortable watching an award show with your children. Why can't BET get it together? This was a disgrace as a tribute to Michael Jackson!!!!! BET get some class!!! Stop representing African Americans in this way!!! Thank God for New Addition, Neyo, Maxwell, The O Jays and the tribute to them, JZ , Beyonce and Janet. BET, take control of your show back for goodness sakes. How could you allow this? How could you invite the world to look at this so called tribute to Michael Jackson and do it with such poor taste? I feel so ashamed. You should have waited and not tried to do this in such a hurry. Michael deserved better. We the viewers deserved better. Every thing he did was first class. BET, you deserved better. Please don’t ever do this again. There are people with class who can come on, draw ratings and give a great show. Try it sometimes.
FrustratedStudent Mon, Jun 29, 2009 at 12:01 AM EST
As an African American college student, I have never felt so disgraced and ashamed of a public display of ignorance. The BET Awards paraded a series of performances, acceptance speeches, and production errors that were blatantly appaling.
After watching this program I cannot continue to support this network that commends buffoonery. As Debrorah Lee is graduate from Brown University, you would assume she would attempt to uplift the Black American community as her vital role as CEO of BET. Instead, she attempted to apologize for their lack of effective planning and execution. Michael Jackson deserved a MUCH better tribute. It was evident BET executives did not know how to handle the sudden news, however the situation could have been handled in a much more professional and tasteful manner. The only sincere moment was during Janet Jackson's few words. The smaller tributes were undermining and improperly placed during the show.
Overall, it was a showcase of tacky ignorance.
Ebony Sun, Jun 28, 2009 at 10:58 PM EST
Once again, BET manages to sink lower than it already is. What an absolute COMPLETE Disgrace!
Listen, this was by no means a tribute to Michael Jackson!!!
Michael Jackson is a legend, the crappy performers onstage (and I hate to use the word "performers" to describe such untalented people) were a true disgrace.
Whenever Michael performed he always came with his A game. He was a true entertainer. There was nothing on stage that even resembled a C+ performance.
Michael Jackson is worthy of a true tribute to his greatness!! BET is such a horrible excuse for an awards ceremony. I agree with the other poster, never do a half ass job. If you can't honor Michael correctly, then don't do it at all, because it's a true disgrace!
Unfortunately, BET will have to watch how it's really done, when MTV pays a tribute. Very sad that the black entertainment channel can NEVER get it right!
barak Sun, Jun 28, 2009 at 10:57 PM EST
Kappa1911 Sun, Jun 28, 2009 at 10:56 PM EST
Diana Ross recieved and acheivement award several years ago from BET. Ms. Ross went on stage and told many of the black young Rappers to clean up their act with the profanity and calling women the b word. Ms. Ross also told them to have some class. After the show, many of these hoodlums trashed Diana Ross. I bet many of these hoodlums were lacking black male role models in their lives. As I black male with 2 college Degrees, it was important to be an active role in my 3 black sons lives. All my sons have the same mother and I married their mother. We have too many negative imagines in our community. This is why President Obama kept a low profile on Michael Jackson's death. Many in white America didn't see Michael as a role model and Obama serves a majority white America, not black America."(END OF EXCERPT)Read all of the comments here.
Michael Jackson's Nanny Tried To Stage An Intervention Once!
According to Michael Jackson's former nanny,she did way more than just tend to his three children.Grace Rwaramba describes situations in which she had to become Michael Jackson's nurse as well.She says that he mixed so many drugs together that she had to pump his stomach on several occasions.
Out of her concern for him,Grace Rwaramba tried to stage an intervention that resulted in her firing.Here's more from the Telegraph:
"Miss Rwaramba, who is expected to be interviewed by detectives about whether she helped administer the drugs, also claimed that Jackson sometimes hid his money in black rubbish sacks and under the carpets at the Los Angeles house he was renting.
The nanny, who is says she once called in the singer’s mother, Katherine, and sister, Janet, to attempt an “intervention”, trying to persuade the singer to come to terms with his addiction. Instead Jackson turned on her, accusing her of betraying him.
“He didn’t want to listen; that was one of the times he let me go,” she said. Rwaramba, who is from Rwanda, worked for Jackson for more than a decade but was dismissed for a final time last December. She said she had been back to see the children since then."(END OF EXCERPT)Read the rest here.
Prescription drugs are looking more & more like the culprit in Michael Jackson's death as more details about his personal life come to light.It's so sad.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Who Do Michael Jackson's Kids Want To Live With?
Everyone's wondering who will Michael Jackson's kids wind up with.His ex-wife,Debbie Rowe,is a possibility,among others.But,who do the children want to live with?
Well,according to TMZ,they want to live with their kind & beautiful grandma.I think that she would actually be the best one to raise them.And it's probably what Michael Jackson would prefer.Here's more from TMZ:
"Sources close to the Jackson family tell us Michael Jackson's three children -- Michael Joseph, Jr., Paris Michael Katherine and Prince "Blanket" Michael II -- say they want to stay with their grandparents, specifically Katherine.
Sources say MJ's kids will continue to live with Katherine Jackson at the family's Encino home. We're told the family is 100 percent behind this -- feeling that Katherine and Joe Jackson are the only people who can help the children understand who their father was, help them grieve, and teach them to deal with life in the spotlight."(END OF EXCERPT)Read the rest here.
Friday, June 26, 2009
Michael Jackson's Death:President Obama & Others Issue Statements
I'm not sure that Robert Gibbs felt comfortable answering the reporter's question about President Obama's thoughts on the death of Michael Jackson.Gibbs himself showed no emotion when he talked about the superstar's demise.It seemed to me like the White House Press Secretary found the question to be distasteful.Maybe I'm wrong.But,he didn't seem sad at all.
A Distraught-Looking Janet Jackson Arrives In L.A.!
Michael Jackson's Autopsy Results Have Been Deferred!


The coroner has ordered additional tests before they issue a final determination of death.The tests include toxicology & pulmonary tests that will take up to 6 weeks before they get the results.The coroner's spokesman said that there was "no indication of foul play."
And he also stated that Michael Jackson was taking prescription drugs.The spokesman for the coroner wouldn't comment on exactly what those drugs were.
There are a few questions that have yet to be answered in this case.Like,why didn't Michael Jackson's doctor sign his death certificate? The speculation is that his doctor was already gone before the paramedics arrived.Who is the doctor(pictured above) that may have contributed to the death of a legend & an era?
Well,here's some information about the financially troubled Dr. Conrad R. Murray from Yahoo:
"The cardiologist who reportedly was in Michael Jackson's Los Angeles mansion when the entertainer collapsed practices medicine in at least three states and is the graduate of a medical school in Nashville.
A woman who answered the phone Friday at Dr. Conrad R. Murray's clinic in Houston confirmed to The Associated Press that Murray was Jackson's cardiologist.
The Los Angeles Times reported that Murray was performing CPR on Jackson when paramedics arrived at his home Thursday, and Murray's car was later towed by police from the home.
Los Angeles police want to interview Murray but stress he is not under criminal investigation.
Murray graduated from Meharry Medical College in 1989. Government records show he holds licenses to practice in California, Nevada and Texas. He was licensed in 2001 in Hawaii, but it wasn't immediately clear if that license is current.
State regulators had no records of any disciplinary actions against him.
Murray's office in Las Vegas, Global Cardiovascular Associates Inc., was locked and dark Friday. Reporters gathered in the hallway outside. He did not immediately return messages left on his office voicemail."(END OF EXCERPT)Read the rest here.
Legal Medical Prescriptions: Celebrity Doctors Allow Their Patients To Freely Abuse Them!
Deepak Chopra was right when he said that Michael Jackson was surrounded by "shameful enablers." Whoever kept operating on his nose,lightening his skin,& giving him as much prescription drugs as he wanted should think of themselves as "enablers." Not to mention those who stood by & watched him self-destruct!
Doctors are supposed to heal,not kill.And it looks like the physicians who were involved with Michael Jackson were not interested in his health-care.As long as he facilitated them with money,I believe they gave him as many plastic surgeries & prescription drugs as he wanted.
Right now,the investigation into Michael Jackson's death is just a "death" investigation.It is not a homicide investigation at this time.But,if these prescription drugs turn out to be the reason why he went into cardiac arrest,that doctor should be held accountable for what he did!
Like Deepak Chopra told CNN's Wolf Blitzer today,the police need to investigate doctors who ply these celebrities with drugs.Because Chopra strongly believes that prescription drugs was the cause of his death.And I am starting to think that is the case myself.
Here's an excerpt of a tribute that Deepak Chopra wrote to Michael Jackson on The Huffington Post:
"Michael's reluctance to grow up was another part of the paradox. My children adored him, and in return he responded in a childlike way. He declared often, as former child stars do, that he was robbed of his childhood. Considering the monstrously exaggerated value our society places on celebrity, which was showered on Michael without stint, the public was callous to his very real personal pain. It became another tawdry piece of the tabloid Jacko, pictured as a weird changeling and as something far more sinister.
It's not my place to comment on the troubles Michael fell heir to from the past and then amplified by his misguided choices in life. He was surrounded by enablers, including a shameful plethora of M.D.s in Los Angeles and elsewhere who supplied him with prescription drugs. As many times as he would candidly confess that he had a problem, the conversation always ended with a deflection and denial. As I write this paragraph, the reports of drug abuse are spreading across the cable news channels. The instant I heard of his death this afternoon, I had a sinking feeling that prescription drugs would play a key part."(END OF EXCERPT)Read the tribute in its entirety here.
Why Are The Police Looking For Michael Jackson's Doctor?
The shocking death of Michael Jackson may have some similarities to Anna Nicole Smith's death.In both cases,there is a suspicious doctor who may have contributed to or even caused their patient's death.
There are various reports about the cause of Michael Jackson's sudden demise.And his missing doctor seems to come up in every one of them.It appears that the beloved superstar may have been given an injection by his doctor that resulted in his death.
Now,where is this doctor? That's what the cops want to know.Here's more from The Sun:
"MICHAEL Jackson's doctor is being hunted by cops who want to quiz the missing medic over an injection which led to the star's death.
LAPD are said to be examining a BMW which was towed yesterday from the singer's home where they also seized bags of prescription drugs.
It is believed the missing doctor gave the star a dose of Demerol — a painkiller similar to morphine — before he suffered a cardiac arrest.
The Jackson family's lawyer Brian Oxman today confirmed "bags of material" were seized by cops from the singer's LA home.
He said: "They (police) were looking for drug vials and syringes. I don't know if they found syringes, but there would have been a lot of drug vials."
Earlier, it was claimed Jacko's upcoming tour and "life threatening" addiction to pain relief drugs had pushed the fragile star to breaking point.
The King of Pop was under immense pressure to perform a series of epic concerts in London as part of his "This Is It" tour.
It is feared Jacko may have developed an increasing dependence on painkillers to cope with his gruelling pre-show rehearsals.
A post-mortem examination is now being carried out by Dr Lakshmanan Sathyavagiswaran who was a witness in the OJ Simpson case to find the cause of death."(END OF EXCERPT)Read the rest here.
With The Passing Of Michael Jackson,Celebrity Deaths Has Come In Threes!
Have you ever heard the adage about death coming in threes?Don't dismiss it as just an old housewives tale.Because I think we all just witnessed it today with the death of the third person,Michael Jackson.
First,comes the death of Johnny Carson's sidekick,Ed Mcmahon.He was also the host of "Star Search" & the face of Publisher's Clearing House.Then,Farrah Fawcett succumbs to cancer yesterday.Lastly,Michael Jackson dies suddenly of cardiac arrest on the same day.Ladies & gentlemen,that is death in threes.Here's more cases of celebrity deaths in threes from The iPINIONS Journal:
"Okay, so maybe there’s something to this “deaths of famous people come in threes” superstition after all….
I don’t mean to be too funereal, but many of you accused me of coming across like a voodoo priest for even mentioning this phenomenon is my farewell tributes to Wendy Wasserstein, Coretta Scott King and Betty Friedan. But I only mentioned it because their deaths came in quick succession after Ibrahim Ferrer, Peter Jennings and John H. Johnson died according to this superstition last August."(END OF EXCERPT)Read the rest here.
The World Reacts To Michael Jackson's Death & The Internet Gets A Lot Of Traffic!

As we all know,Michael Jackson was a beloved pop icon who inspired people of every race across the world.Here is how the world is reacting to the news that this legend has passed from the Telegraph:
"Reverend Al Sharpton, civil rights campaigner and close friend: "Michael Jackson made culture accept a person of colour way before Tiger Woods, way before Oprah Winfrey, way before Barack Obama.
"Michael Jackson was a trailblazer. He was a historic figure that people will measure music and the industry by."
Uri Geller, illusionist and close friend: "I'm shocked and devastated. I am hoping this is a dream I will wake up from, but it is not. Michael is dead.
"Michael was a genius. There was so much more to come from him. He will be greatly, greatly missed."
Arnold Schwarzenegger, actor and Governor of California Governor: "Michael was a pop phenomenon who never stopped pushing the envelope of creativity.
"Though there were serious questions about his personal life, Michael was undoubtedly a great entertainer and his popularity spanned generations and the globe."
Max Clifford, publicist: "He was a unique talent and nobody who was around when Thriller came out could be anything other than astonished.
"Worldwide his fans are going to be devastated, he was incredibly close to his fans and he had a loyal following right up to the end as shown by his sell out shows."
Quincy Jones, musician and record producer who collaborated with Jackson on Off the Wall, Thriller and Bad: "He was the consummate entertainer and his contributions and legacy will be felt upon the world forever.
"To this day that music is played in every corner of the world, and the reason is because he had it all – talent, grace, and professionalism." (END OF EXCERPT)Read the rest here.
And the reaction to his death was so intense & sudden that it brought the internet to a screeching halt.More on that from UTV News:
"It may be more than nearly 20 years since Michael Jackson was the dominant personality in the music industry, but news of his death caused an avalanche of online traffic as millions of people turned to the web to find out the latest news about the singer's health.
Shortly after 4pm in New York - less than an hour after Michael Jackson was taken to hospital in Los Angeles - TMZ, the popular celebrity gossip website, broke the story after a tip-off that a paramedic had visited the singer's home.
"It's looking bad," the site claimed, reporting that he had suffered a heart attack. "We're told his mother is on the way to visit him."
Other sites soon had the news too - US entertainment channel E! spoke to Joe Jackson, the 50-year-old's father, whose grim prognosis - "He is not OK" - foreshadowed the news that would be confirmed just a few hours later.
Within seconds of the first reports hitting the web, information started spreading online - flushing a mixture of confirmed reports and hearsay through a string of other news websites, blogs and social networks. Tributes to the controversial entertainer began flooding in even before his death was confirmed at 3.15pm local time.
The volume of traffic temporarily took down TMZ, causing many interested surfers to try visiting other gossip blogs for updates - however, the sheer number of visitors then caused other sites to crash, including Perez Hilton's popular page. Many web users reported that their connections had become slow or unresponsive as hordes of people fled online."(END OF EXCERPT)Read the rest here.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Al Sharpton Said That Michael Jackson Was A "Trailblazer" That Broke Through Racial Barriers!
In my life,race has always been issue.The fact that racism has reared its ugly head in my direction far too many times is the whole reason that I started blogging.So,I have to post what Al Sharpton said about the fact that Michael Jackson was able to transcend race.People all over the world loved this man.
Look at how the news of his death has eclipsed the demise of Farrah Fawcett.The beautiful,blond white actress has become the backstory since this handsome,black superstar had died on the same day.Who would have ever thought that could happen?The world is mourning the demise of a black man more than they are a white woman..............
Maybe it truly is a new day.But,Michael Jackson was the first black entertainer to ever be played on MTV.He broke so many racial barriers that it wasn't even funny.People excepted him even when he changed his entire complexion.
And that's probably because Michael Jackson was a musical genius who lured people in just as if he was the Pied Piper.His talent is so unbelievable that it will put people in a trancelike state until time immoral.
Like Al Sharpton said,"Michael Jackson was a trailblazer." He created dances & a singing style that will be emulated forevermore.God really did break the mold with him.I'm sure that even the angels of heaven are in awe of his magical voice.
TMZ & The L.A. Times Is Reporting That Michael Jackson Has Died!
I hope to God that it is not true that Michael Jackson has died at the age of 50.At this moment,it is unconfirmed.But,it appears that we may have lost two great American icons in the same day,according to TMZ.The L.A. Times also reporting that he has die.
But,it would be astounding if Farrah Fawcett & Michael Jackson passed away today.I am so,so,shocked & saddened.
Here's more from The L.A. Times:
"[Updated at 3:15 p.m.: Pop star Michael Jackson was pronounced dead by doctors this afternoon after arriving at a hospital in a deep coma, city and law enforcement sources told The Times.
[Updated at 2:46 p.m.: Jackson is in a coma and family have are arriving at his bedside, a law enforcement source told The Times.
Jackson was rushed to a hospital this afternoon by Los Angeles Fire Department paramedics.
Capt. Steve Ruda said paramedics responded to a call at Jackson's home around 12:26 p.m. He was not breathing when they arrived. The parademics performed CPR and took him to UCLA Medical Center, Ruda told The Times.
[Updated at 2:12 p.m.: Paramedics were called to a home on the 100 block of Carolwood Drive off Sunset Boulevard. Jackson rented the Bel Air home for $100,000 a month. It was described as a French chateau estate built in 2002 with seven bedrooms, 13 bathrooms, 12 fireplaces and a theater.
The home is about 2 1/2 miles, about a six-minute drive, from UCLA Medical Center. An earlier version of this post incorrectly described the time to travel between the home and hospital as two minutes.](END OF EXCERPT)Read the rest here.
At Manifested Glory Ministries Church,They Perform "Gay Exorcisms"!
I'm not sure how Manifested Glory Ministries Church is going to increase their membership of 25 after people see this video.During one of their services,a 16.yr. old gay teen went through an exorcism.He wanted to get rid of his homosexual behavior.
The pastor who tried to deliver him from a "homosexual demon" went on CNN today to defend her ministry.But,frankly,I was appalled at what I saw.And that may be because I do not believe that a person is possessed by an unclean spirit just because they desire members of their own sex.
Rev. Patricia McKinney should do what is in the title of her church.She should be manifesting glory instead of even more demons for this child to contend with.How much mental damage did this "gay exorcism" do to the boy who participated in it? I wonder if he felt the glory of God after that experience? Somehow,I doubt it.
Here's more on this appalling story from Yahoo:
"The video shows the 16-year-old boy lying on the floor, his body convulsing, as elders of a small Connecticut church cast a "homosexual demon" from his body.
"Rip it from his throat!" a woman yells. "Come on, you homosexual demon! You homosexual spirit, we call you out right now! Loose your grip, Lucifer!"
The 20-minute video posted on YouTube by Manifested Glory Ministries is being called abuse by gay and youth advocates, who are demanding an investigation. But a church official this week denied that the teenager was injured or that the church is prejudiced.
"We believe a man should be with a woman and a woman should be with a man," the Rev. Patricia McKinney told The Associated Press. "We have nothing against homosexuals. I just don't agree with their lifestyle."
The church posted the video on YouTube but has since removed it; it is still available on some Web sites that copied it. The church declined to make the video available for distribution by The Associated Press.
It shows church members standing the youth on his feet by holding him under his arms, and people shouting as organ music plays.
"Come out of his belly," someone commands. "It's in the belly — push."
Later, the teenager is back on the floor, breathing heavily. Then he's coughing and apparently vomiting into a bag.
"Get another bag," a participant says. "Make sure you have your gloves."
As the youth lay back on the ground, limp, church members put a white sheet over him.
It's nearly impossible to say how often similar exercises occur in churches nationwide. But Kamora Herrington, who runs a mentoring program at True Colors and has worked with the youth, said she believes it's fairly common.
"This happens all the time," she said. "This is not isolated."
Robin McHaelin, executive director of True Colors, an advocacy group for gay youths, said her organization is aware of five cases in recent years in which youths in her program were threatened with exorcism.
In one case, she said, a child called to report that his caregiver had called a priest who was throwing holy water on his bedroom door.
"I think it's horrifying," McHaelin said of the video by Manifested Glory. "What saddens me is the people that are doing this think they are doing something in the kid's best interests, when in fact they're murdering his spirit."
McHaelin said she planned to report the situation to the Connecticut Department of Children and Families. An agency spokesman said the agency does not comment on complaints or investigations.
"They have this kid in a full nelson," she said. "That just seems abusive to me."(END OF EXCERPT)Read the rest here.
Farrah Fawcett Has Died At The Age Of 62!
Farrah Fawcett has died this morning at the age of 62 after a very public battle with anal cancer.She was best known as one of "Charlie's Angels". But,Farrah Fawcett was much more than a beautiful television actress.This was a woman who had great depth to her.
She did two films that have shed light on some really serious issues."The Burning Bed" was an important movie that dealt with domestic violence.Farrah Fawcett's portrayal of an abused woman was so riveting that she was nominated for an Emmy.
The documentary that she recently did on anal cancer was the second issue that she helped to focus people's attention on.Her video diary was very personal & explicit.It detailed everything that she was going through in her fight against cancer.
I didn't watch it because the subject matter was far too depressing for me to bear.But,a lot of people say that they were inspired & touched by her struggle.Sadly,that story has now come to an end.
Here's more from EW.com:
"Actress Farrah Fawcett died on June 25 in Los Angeles at the age of 62. With her passing after a long battle with anal cancer, we lose one of the quintessential symbols of post-feminist Hollywood, a definitive pinup who somehow parlayed a delicate-flower demeanor and all-American beauty into a 30-year career.
“After a long and brave battle with cancer, our beloved Farrah has passed away," Fawcett's longtime companion Ryan O'Neal said via a statement. "Although this is an extremely difficult time for her family and friends, we take comfort in the beautiful times that we shared with Farrah over the years and the knowledge that her life brought joy to so many people around the world."
As it turned out, her bravest role of all was her final one: She shared every brutally unglamorous step of her cancer treatment with the world in the riveting NBC documentary Farrah's Story. Perhaps most touchingly, the film gave its 9 million viewers a glimpse of her extraordinary love affair with O’Neal, who has supported her throughout treatment -- and even told Barbara Walters on a recent 20/20 that he’d finally asked her to marry him after nearly 25 years together: “We will, just as soon as she can say yes.”
Craig J. Nevius, producer of Farrah’s Story and the 2005 reality show Chasing Farrah, said in a statement: "Farrah was and is the true definition of an ‘icon.’ She was of her time but transcended her time....Not many stars can be credited with inspiring both a hair style and changes in legislation (surrounding domestic violence and more recently patient privacy). And she did it without posturing or campaigning but by simply choosing her own path and making her own rules.”
The former University of Texas sorority girl became an instant star when she sashayed onto Charlie’s Angels in 1976. (Her trademark poster -- shot pre-Angels -- hit stores that same year, cementing her role as a sex symbol.) Fawcett left the show after only one season, and, after a string of big-screen flops, finally earned critical praise in the mid '80s with the off-Broadway play Extremities and the NBC movie The Burning Bed. (Her role, as an abused wife, earned the actress her first Emmy nomination.)"(END OF EXCERPT)Read the rest here.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Mark Sanford Is The Latest Republican Who Has Cheated On His Wife!
OMG,both political parties in our two-party system have folks with morality issues!Is anyone really surprised by that? So,do not buy the Republican's assertion that they are the party of family values.Mark Sanford is the latest guy to prove that.And,boy,did he do that in a big way today!
The South Carolina governor had been missing for 5 days.And he lied to his staff about his whereabouts.Because he revealed at a press conference today that he was in Argentina cheating on his wife with another woman.
And the fact that Mark Sanford was with his paramour on Father's Day,instead of his family,really puts a damper on the Republican party's claim that they represent family values.
Here's more from MSNBC:
" During a Wednesday news conference at his office in Columbia, Gov. Mark Sanford admitted to having an extramarital affair — information that surfaced after his recent, secret trip to Argentina.
The married father of four emotionally apologized to his wife and staff, saying, "I've let down a lot of people."
Sanford said he met the woman almost eight years ago, but "about a year ago, it sparked into something more than that." The governor said his wife and family have known about it for the past five months.
He also announced that he was resigning as chairman of the Republican Governors' Association.
Earlier, the South Carolina governor told a newspaper he was in South America, not hiking the Appalachian Trail as his staff had told the public to explain his sudden absence. He said he "wanted to do something exotic" to unwind after losing a fight over federal stimulus money.
The State newspaper reported that Sanford arrived Wednesday morning at Atlanta's international airport on a flight from Buenos Aires, where he drove along the coast of what he called a "beautiful" city.
The Republican governor told the South Carolina newspaper he had considered hiking, but at the last minute changed his mind.
"But I said 'no' I wanted to do something exotic," Sanford told the newspaper.
'Why all the big cover-up?'
Critics slammed his administration for lying to the public.
"Lies. Lies. Lies. That's all we get from his staff. That's all we get from his people. That's all we get from him," said state Sen. Jake Knotts, R-West Columbia. "Why all the big cover-up?"(END OF EXCERPT)Read the rest here.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Perez Hilton Gets Beat Up In A Confrontation With Will .i. Am!
Perez Hilton always dogs Fergie of The Black Eyed Peas on his site.That is probably why Hilton got beat up in Toronto.He is blaming Will.i.Am for the injuries that Hilton sustained to his eye.
You shouldn't talk bad if you can't back it up.
And I know that Perez Hilton can be a malicious little gossip,but damn guys!You should be above all of that.If I had your millions,Will.i.Am,I know I sure would be.Who cares what Perez Hilton thinks & says about other people? Here's more from MTV:
"In a series of late-night (or early-morning) Twitter posts, Perez Hilton claimed that he was assaulted by the Black Eyed Peas' Will.I.Am and his security guards at a hotel in Toronto.
At around 3:45 a.m. Monday (June 22), Hilton wrote on his Twitter account that he was "in shock. I need the police ASAP. Please come to the SoHo Metropolitan Hotel now. Please."
"I was assaulted by Will.I.Am of the Black Eyed Peas and his security guards," a second Tweet read. "I am bleeding. Please, I need to file a police report. No joke."
In a series of subsequent posts, Hilton urged his readers to call the police, said he had spoken to his attorney, and finally wrote that "the Toronto police are here now ... [they] are investigating the assault now. I did the right thing by reporting it."
"I won't be talking about this any further," Hilton wrote. "It is in the hands of the authorities."
Of course, Hilton then spent the next five hours answering fans' Tweeted queries about the assault, assuring Miley Cyrus that he was "not kidding" and addressing Will.I.Am himself, writing that "there are multiple witnesses. You can deny all you want. The truth is the truth and I am telling the truth."
Hoping to tell his side of what happened, Will.I.Am posted a video on Dipdive, the site he helped create last year when he released his Barack Obama "Yes We Can" video. According to him, it was Hilton that was the aggressor, and while the two did have a rather spirited discussion, he had nothing to do with the gossip maven's alleged assault."(END OF EXCERPT)Read the rest here.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Human Rights Issue: Afro-Colombians Are Being Forcibly Evicted In Colombia!
All eyes are focused on the human rights of the Iranian people.People like John McCain say that the president isn't asserting to the world America's strong position on human rights violations.
Is Iran the only place where human rights are being violated? I am sure that we all know that the answer is no.But,what I was not aware of is the plight of Afro-Colombians.
They desperately need the voice of America to be heard concerning their human rights issues.The situation is dire for them in Colombia.How come I haven't heard anything in the media about them?
Here's more from WOLA.ORG:
"The following three developments concerning Afro-Colombians have come to our attention this past week and we ask that you contact the US. Department of State (Tel: (202) 647-0464) and urge them to take steps to help protect the rights of the persons concerned in the following three cases.
1) Announcement of "Social Cleansing" in Buenaventura
Our partners in Buenaventura informed us on March 10th that a paramilitary group is distributing pamphlets announcing that persons deemed undesirable by the paramilitaries (drug dealers, thieves, prostitutes, etc.) will be "socially cleansed." We find this development to be particularly disturbing given the paramilitary demobilization process and recent efforts by the Colombian authorities to increase the presence of the military in this port city.
We ask that State express concern about this development to Colombian authorities and urge them to take steps to protect the residents of this city from harm and to effectively dismantle the military, political and financial operational structures of paramilitary groups present in Buenaventura.
2) New Paramilitary Threats against Human Rights, Ethnic, IDP and Religious Organizations in Quibdó
On March 13th, Adom, Adacho, Asociación Orewa, Asociaciones Comunales, Codegeved, Comisión Nacional de Reparación, Cocomacia, DefensorÃa del Pueblo, Diócesis de Quibdó, Fedeutch, Foro Interétnico Solidaridad Chocó, Mujer y Vida, Oficina departamental de Paz, PersonerÃa de Quibdó, Red departamental de Mujeres Chocoanas. Ruta Pacifica de Mujeres and Unión Desplazada Del Chocó sent out an SOS to the International community asking that action is taken regarding pamphlets containing death threats against civil society organizations in Quibdó and Chocó. These organizations are concerned about the general threat of death and harm that exists against them and others, as well as, the terror campaign that paramilitaries are orchestrating against the civilian population. They note that paramilitaries are threatening to individually and collectively kill, persecute massacre ethnic leaders in order to impose their economic, political and military projects in the region. They are especially concerned for the welfare of the large number of IDPs situated in Quibdó and their leaders since this population is very unprotected and vulnerable to attack.
We ask that State contact the Vice President's office and Acción Social and urge them to put in place mechanisms that will protect IDPs, human rights, religious and other leaders from harm in Quibdó.
3) Situation of Displaced Afro-Colombian IDPs from the Neighborhoods of Brisas de Navarro and Brisas de Cordoba, Cali
On March 9, the city of Cali has begun to evict 495 families containing a high number of children from the neighborhoods Brisas de Navarro and Brisas de Cordoba. The majority of these families are Afro-Colombians internally displaced from different communities in the Pacific Coast who lost their properties and assets. They fled to Cali where they were forced to live in inhuman conditions and to survive by collecting recyclable materials from the municipal dump. The shanty houses containing the IDP families' belongings were demolished with bulldozers. During the eviction process, two women were reportedly injured including an elderly woman. After the eviction these families moved to the side of a road since they have nowhere to go. The authorities proceeded to evict them once again.
This situation has led some persons to demonstrate in front of Cali's City Hall. These families and their supporters are demanding that the Mayor meet with them to find comprehensive solution to their situation. Although some 190 families received at some point a subsidy of US$100 for three months to pay rent, further assistance was not received. Many of these families are internally displaced persons who for more than three years whose needs were not properly attended to by the local authorities.
We ask that State contact Accion Social and urge them to work with the Cali authorities to assist this group to address the basic needs of these persons and meet with the community leaders to find an immediate and appropriate solution to this problem.
For further information on these cases contact:
Gimena Sanchez, WOLA, (202) 797-2171 Ext. 205
Charo Mina Rojas, AFRODES USA, (434) 760-0663
Chris Brown Only Gets A 5 -Yr. Probation For Beating Rihanna!
According to the judge in the case,Chris Brown should be commended for taking "responsibility" for his "conduct."And Rihanna is "pleased" with the fact that he will only get a 5-yr. probation & community work.
Some people are outraged by the outcome of this case.I say that it is up to Rihanna to be "pleased" or "outraged".She's the one that got the crap beat out of her.Not me.Here's more from The Times Online:
"As his ex-girlfriend Rihanna was preparing to testify against him in a US court yesterday, American R&B singer Chris Brown pleaded guilty to assaulting the pop star in February.
Brown entered his plea to one count of assault before a preliminary hearing – which was attended by Rihanna – was set to begin in Los Angeles.
The 20-year-old spoke softly throughout the hearing as he waived his rights and told the Superior Court Judge Patricia Schnegg he understood the gravity of his plea.
“I think it's commendable you took responsibility for your conduct,” Judge Schnegg told the singer.
Brown will be sentenced in August, but the terms of the plea deal call for him to serve five years of formal probation and six months — roughly 1,400 hours — of community labour. Brown will be able to complete his probation in his home state of Virginia; he will have to do either graffiti removal or roadside cleanup for his service.
He will also complete a year of domestic violence classes, and pay fines. In exchange, he pleaded guilty to felony assault by means likely to cause great bodily injury. If he violates his probation, Brown faces four years in jail."(END OF EXCERPT)Read the rest here.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Do Not Eat Any Pre-Packaged Nestle Toll House Cookie Products Because They May Contain E-Coli!!!
In this day & age,why would anyone eat raw cookie dough that was produced in a factory?It's best to make cookie dough from scratch if you want to eat it raw!
Right now,Nestle Toll House has issued a recall on all varieties of their prepackaged cookie dough.Apparently,people who ate it raw contracted E.coli.They are saying that it's not safe to bake it,either.
Here's more information from InjuryBoard.com:
"Consumers are being warned by the federal Food and Drug Administration not to consume the popular Nestle Toll House prepackaged, refrigerated cookie dough.
The company is recalling all varieties of the dough products due to the risk of contamination with E. coli 0157:H7, a bacterium that causes food borne illness.
Consumers, restaurants and retailers are advised to throw out the product. Even cooking the dough is not recommended because of the possibility the bacteria can transfer to hands and cooking surfaces.
66 reports have come in from 28 states since March of illnesses, usually vomiting, abdominal cramping, bloody diarrhea. Healthy individuals can usually recover within a week, but the bacteria can lead to serious kidney damage and death among the most susceptible, the very young and elderly."(END OF EXCERPT)Read the rest here.
CNN'S Paul Begala Brings To The Forefront The Issue Of Rescission In Health Care!
There is a very serious issue with health care that has not received much attention in the media at all.But,thanks to Paul Begala,the practice of rescission is being brought to the forefront!
Rescission is used by insurance companies to deny ill patients the coverage they so desperately need!And that is unacceptable!
Here's an excerpt from Paul Begala's article on CNN.com:
"You probably have never heard of Robin Beaton, and that's what's wrong with the debate over health care reform.
Beaton, a retired nurse from Waxahachie, Texas, had health insurance -- or so she thought. She paid her premiums faithfully every month, but when she was diagnosed with aggressive breast cancer, her health insurance company, Blue Cross, dumped her.
The insurance company said the fact that she had seen a dermatologist for acne, who mistakenly entered a notation on her chart that suggested her simple acne was a precancerous condition, allowed Blue Cross to leave her in the lurch.
Beaton testified before a House subcommittee this week. So did other Americans who thought they had insurance but got the shaft. As Karen Tumulty of Time magazine (who has been the journalistic conscience of health care coverage) wrote, other witnesses included:
"Peggy Raddatz, whose brother Otto Raddatz lost his insurance coverage right before he was scheduled to receive an expensive stem-cell transplant to treat his lymphoma. Why? Because Fortis Insurance Company discovered his doctor had found gall stones and an aneurysm on a CT scan -- conditions that had nothing to do with his cancer, that never bothered him and that he wasn't even aware of. And Jennifer Wittney Horton of Los Angeles, California, whose coverage was canceled because she had been taking a drug for irregular menstruation. Now, she can't get coverage anywhere else. 'Since my rescission, I have had to take jobs that I do not want, and put my career goals on hold to ensure that I can find health insurance,' she told the subcommittee."(END OF EXCERPT)Read the rest here.
June 19 Is African-American Emancipation Day!!!!
June 19 is the day that people observe the end of slavery.Isn't it quite fitting that Congress would apologize for slavery the day before African-American Emancipation Day?
Here's more info from Juneteenth.com:
"Juneteenth is the oldest nationally celebrated commemoration of the ending of slavery in the United States.
From its Galveston, Texas origin in 1865, the observance of June 19th as the African American Emancipation Day has spread across the United States and beyond.
Today Juneteenth commemorates African American freedom and emphasizes education and achievement."(END OF EXCERPT)Learn more about this day here.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
John Barnes Is 100% Not The Missing Boy From 1955!

The man who is really the father of John Barnes said that his son was spreading "foolishness" when he claimed to be a missing boy from 1955!And it turns how that the amazing story that John Barnes told the world really was nothing but a work of his imagination.
You know,his story really did not sound credible to me.That is why I waited to see what the end result would be before I did a post on this guy.
Maybe all of this speculation was just an unemployed man's way of getting his hands on some dough.Too bad for him that it did not turn out to be true.Because he has pissed his real family off!
And it was all for naught.
Here's more from cbs4Denver:
"DNA testing confirmed that a 54-year-old Michigan man is not a toddler kidnapped in Long Island, N.Y., in 1955, the FBI said Thursday.
The FBI said testing showed John Barnes of Kalkaska, Mich., is not Stephen Damman, who disappeared at age 2 from outside an East Meadow bakery while his mother shopped.
"DNA samples analyzed by the FBI laboratory in Quantico, Virginia, show John Barnes and Pamela Damman Horne do not share the same mother," the FBI said in a statement, referring to the sister of Stephen Damman.
Barnes has said he has long suspected the couple who raised him are not his biological parents, and the FBI took his DNA sample. He said he began investigating his origins years ago and found photos on the Internet that led him to believe he could be Stephen, reports CBS station WCBS-TV in New York.
Barnes said pictures of the missing boy's mother when she was a young adult resembled what he looked like at the same age.
In Iowa, Stephen's father, Jerry Damman, said the news was disappointing.
"It's too bad we had to go through all of this for actually nothing in the end," he told The Associated Press.
Barnes said he was born the same year the boy disappeared, but that he only saw his birth certificate once.
Barnes' father, Richard Barnes, has called the speculation "a bunch of foolishness." He said John Barnes was born in a Navy hospital in Pensacola, Fla., on Aug. 18, 1955.
Police in Nassau County, N.Y., said a Michigan man contacted their office in the past few months saying he believed he was the missing toddler."(END OF EXCERPT)Read the rest here.
What a bunch of hokey!
An Apology For Slavery Has Been Issued By Congress!
On behalf of my slave ancestors,I accept the apology for slavery that Congress has offered African-Americans.It may have taken almost two centuries,but better late than never!I'm not sure how that will rectify the mental ramifications that slavery has had on past,present(and probably future) generations of black Americans.
Restoring a sense of cultural & racial worth is still a goal for 21st century African-Americans.That's why so many blacks felt proud when Barack Obama won!Many felt that black people were finally being accepted into an elite society that had despised them for so long.
But,being proud of oneself is still a struggle for oh so many black folks.And that lack of self-pride that still lingers from the days of the slave master & the whip will not return because of an apology for slavery.What the apology does do is it acknowledges the wrongs that America has done to some of its people.It does not right that wrong,though!
Here's more from ajc:
"The House on Tuesday issued an unprecedented apology to black Americans for the wrongs committed against them and their ancestors who suffered under slavery and Jim Crow segregation laws.
"Today represents a milestone in our nation's efforts to remedy the ills of our past," said Rep. Carolyn Cheeks Kilpatrick (D-Mich.), chairwoman of the Congressional Black Caucus.
The resolution, passed by voice vote, was the work of Tennessee Democrat Steve Cohen, the only white lawmaker to represent a majority black district.
Cohen faces a formidable black challenger in a primary election next week.
Congress has issued apologies before: to Japanese-Americans for their internment during World War II and to native Hawaiians for the overthrow of the Hawaiian kingdom in 1893. In 2005, the Senate apologized for failing to pass anti-lynching laws.
Five states have issued apologies for slavery and Georgia has considered one, but past proposals in Congress have stalled, partly over concerns that an apology would lead to demands for reparations.
The Cohen resolution does not mention reparations. It does commit the House to rectifying "the lingering consequences of the misdeeds committed against African-Americans under slavery and Jim Crow."
It says that Africans forced into slavery "were brutalized, humiliated, dehumanized and subjected to the indignity of being stripped of their names and heritage" and that black Americans today continue to suffer from the consequences of slavery, discrimination and segregation."(END OF EXCERPT)Read the rest here.
Even Though The Pilot Died, A Plane Lands Safely In NJ
If I had been a passenger on the plane whose pilot died in mid-air,I would have been hyperventilating!That's probably why the passengers on the jet were not told that the pilot had passed away during the flight.
Luckily,two co-pilots were able to safely land the plane in New Jersey.Here's more on what could have been a frightening story from MSNBC:
"The pilot of a Continental Airlines flight from Brussels to Newark died over the Atlantic Ocean on Thursday, but the jet landed safely with two co-pilots at the controls.
The 247 passengers aboard Flight 61 weren't told of the pilot's death and flight attendants continued serving snacks, though the crew did ask for the help of any doctors aboard. Several passengers approached the cockpit, including one doctor who told The Associated Press the pilot appeared to have suffered a heart attack.
The 60-year-old Newark-based pilot, who worked for Continental for 32 years, is believed to have died of natural causes, said Kelly Cripe, a spokeswoman for the Houston-based airline.
A relief pilot was on board and took the place of the deceased pilot, Cripe said. The Boeing 777 touched down on time just before noon at Newark Liberty International Airport.
"The flight continued safely with two pilots at the controls," Cripe said in a statement.
Dr. Julien Struyven, 72, a cardiologist and radiologist from Brussels who was aboard, responded to the call for doctors, went to the cockpit and examined the pilot.
"He was not alive," Struyven said. There was "no chance at all" of saving him, he said."(END OF EXCERPT)Read the rest here.
Rusty DePass Shouldn't Say That Michelle Obama Descends From Gorillas Since He Actually Resembles One!


Rusty DePass made a very racist comment about Michelle Obama.But what he said could really be applied to him.
The GOP racist said that an escaped gorilla was probably an ancestor of Michelle Obama.
Now,when I look at Rusty DePass,I see an albino gorilla.I mean,he looks just like he descended from apes to me.
I can't say the same for the breathtakingly beautiful first lady.Unlike Rusty De Pass,Michelle Obama looks nothing like a gorilla!
Here's more from the NY Daily News:
"A prominent South Carolina Republican killed his Facebook page Sunday after being caught likening the First Lady to an escaped gorilla.
Commenting on a report posted to Facebook about a gorilla escape at a zoo in Columbia, S.C., Friday, longtime GOP activist Rusty DePass wrote, "I'm sure it's just one of Michelle's ancestors - probably harmless."
Busted by South Carolina political blogger Will Folks on his FITNEWS blog, DePass told WIS-TV in Columbia, "I am as sorry as I can be if I offended anyone. The comment was clearly in jest."
Then he added, "The comment was hers, not mine," claiming Michelle Obama made a recent remark about humans descending from apes. The Daily News could find no such comment.
"'Humor' like this is nothing new for South Carolina Republicans - even as the party claims to be focusing on 'outreach' efforts to minorities," said Folks, a former gubernatorial spokesman and widely read blogger. "The fact that Palmetto [State] Republicans don't get that this is a serious problem for them baffles us."(END OF EXCERPT)Read the rest here.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Bad Cops:A Richmond Cop Gets Charged With Felonies!
Cops are here to serve & protect the people.Their job is not to antagonize & harm people.I wish that they all would realize that.
Fortunately,some cops are good people who try to work in partnership with the community.But,too many others are like the Richmond cop who was just charged with punching a suspect & then lying about it!
Here's more about this bad cop from The Contra Costa Times:
"A Richmond police officer with a short but troubled history with the department was charged today with punching a handcuffed drug suspect in the face during an arrest in March.
Officer Dedrick Riley was charged with assault under the color of law and filing a false police report, both felonies, and misdemeanor battery, Deputy District Attorney Barry Grove said.
The drug suspect, a Richmond man in his late 30s, was never charged in connection with the arrest and did not suffer any lasting injuries from the assault, officials said.
Police sources said the man claimed Riley punched him several times and slammed him against a car. Afterward, source say, he failed to properly report his use of force, and the department forwarded the case to the district attorney after finding some conflicting evidence.
Riley, 39, started with the Police Department in 2004. He has been on administrative leave since the department's Internal Affairs unit began investigating in March, Grove said.
Today's charges are a result of the District Attorney's Office's own investigation, in which the man and numerous officers were interviewed, Grove said.
Riley is scheduled to turn himself in in the company of his lawyer, Harry Stern, at his arraignment Tuesday. The charges against Riley carry a penalty of more than six years in prison."(END OF EXCERPT)Read the entire story here.
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