Monday, November 16, 2009

Note To S.E Cupp: Both Sarah Palin & Barack Obama Have Been "Sexualized"!!!!

Conservative columnist & pundit,S.E. Cupp,said that the mainstream media just wants to "sexualize young,attractive conservative women." Well,I've got news for S.E. Cupp!! Conservative women are not the only ones that gets people sexual minds ticking.What about Barack Obama? Remember when he was photographed without his shirt on? Folks just couldn't stop talking about how hot he is.

So,S.E. Cupp,how do you explain the fact that both President Obama & Sarah Palin have been sexually objectified .He's a young,liberal man.That doesn't fit into your neat little theory.

I think that people just love to brand someone as being hot.Whether you are a celebrity or a politician,good looks never go unnoticed.

It's really as simple as that.

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