Watch the video & please convince me that this is legitimate acceptable political satire!Rush Limbaugh is a despicable bigot who has been given a platform to express his oppressive views of society. When I think of how plantation owners must have acted, he somehow always seems to come to mind. He is a blight on society with his antiquated views. But apparently, he speaks to a large audience of like-minded people. There should be more outrage shown over the statements he has made. They are based on stereotypes & mendacities.
Someone wrote a comment & I don't know who because it said they were "anonymous". First of all, if you want to ridicule my opinion of "Joe The Plumber" you should be going after those who actually make a living based on deception,like Rush Limbaugh. There is nothing malicious or unfounded about what I said. Everyone knows that "Joe The Plumber" is a metaphor. So, let me ask this "anonymous" person!Why don't you want to reveal your identity?I'm not hiding behind a curtain! I hope that you take the time to leave Fox, Rush Limbaugh, Glen Beck, & other paid commentators a message to do more thorough research before they offer their outlooks! Here are some Rush Limbaugh statements we should all be outraged by:
On Colin Powell:
"Secretary Powell says his endorsement is not about race... OK, fine. I am now researching his past endorsements to see if I can find all the inexperienced, very liberal, white candidates he has endorsed. I'll let you know what I come up with."
On Donovan McNabb : "Limbaugh said on Thursday he stepped down late Wednesday from the show "Sunday NFL Countdown" to protect the network from the uproar caused by his statement that Philadelphia Eagles quarterback Donovan McNabb was overrated because the media wanted to see a black quarterback succeed." Follow this link to read the full story:
For more of Rush Limbaugh's xenophobia go here: (http://archive.democrats.com/preview.cfm?term=Rush%20Limbaugh)
These are the kinds of statements that hurt all Americans. When people are divided, they can be conquered. To be worried about the opinions I share on this blog is nonsensical! That is why I call it a commentary because I am not a journalist. I give my take on the issues. Anyone who leaves an anonymous comment is a coward & WILL BE DELETED! Stand up to the racists & bigots of the world who get paid to spread lies & innuendo. Don't concern yourself with an unpaid blogger like me.