There is a feeling of total elation that is coursing through my body at this very moment.Why am I so happy you ask? Well,the BART cop who murdered Oscar Grant,that has been avoiding all inquiry into his actions,has been apprehended in Nevada.He's been on a quest to escape justice.All he cared about was his own safety.Apparently,Johannes Mehserle has a serious lack of regard for Oscar Grant & his family.I'm not happy about all of the rioting because that is just a display of anger that destroys businesses that had nothing to do with this incident at all!What did touch me emotionally though was all of the passion that the demonstrators felt about Grant's death.Bay Area residents sent a blaring message that they will not tolerate the murder of an unarmed citizen by a police officer. I feel that they forced the D.A. to file charges that he might not have otherwise filed.Here's more on this tragic story from the San Jose Mercury News:
""The family will certainly be relieved that the (district attorney) has made some effort to bring him to justice," said John Burris, an attorney who is representing Grant's family in a $25 million claim against BART. "This is terrific. This is a very important step in healing the community."
Mehserle refused to be interviewed by either BART investigators or Orloff's office following the incident. Videos appear to show him shooting Grant as the 22-year-old was facedown on the ground at the Fruitvale BART station.
Mehserle's resignation last week took away BART's best chance at getting a statement from him because Mehserle could no longer be fired for remaining silent.
BART concluded its own investigation into the shooting Monday, but it remained unclear until Tuesday night when he might be detained.
Oakland assistant police chief Howard Jordan said he hoped news of the arrest would calm tensions among the more than 1,000 people expected to protest the shooting today.
"We're hoping that people act civilly and they take this recent action as a sign the (district attorney) was committed to doing (the) job and moving forward with a complete, thorough and unbiased investigation," Jordan said."(END OF EXCERPT)Read the whole article here: http://www.mercurynews.com/ci_11447812?source=most_viewed