Showing posts with label birthers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label birthers. Show all posts

Friday, September 18, 2009

Connie Rhodes "Frivolous" Lawsuit Gets Thrown Out!!

Capt.Connie Rhodes is yet another "birther". She just can't accept the facts,folks!!! President Obama is a U.S. citizen who is of African heritage.That makes him an African-American just like so many other black folks across America.His dad was born in Kenya,not him.

But,Connie Rhodes has decided that she should file a lawsuit in order to avoid being deployed to Afghanistan.Her complaint is that Barack Obama is not a legitimate president.So,she claims that she should not have to serve in the military under him.

Since her "frivolous" lawsuit got thrown out by a judge because her allegations were unsubstantiated,Connie Rhodes will have to find another reason not to obey orders.For all of the "birthers" out there,that means there was no proof.

The "birther" movement is a joke that should have never been told.And the attorney who represents her,Orly Taitz should not even be allowed to practice law.She is making a mockery out of the justice system.

Here's more on Capt.Rhodes from The Huffington Post:

"U.S. District Court Judge Clay Land has thrown out a complaint questioning the president's birth from an Army captain fighting deployment to Iraq and gave a warning to her lawyer, birther maven Orly Taitz.

Land also put attorney Orly Taitz, who represents Capt. Connie Rhodes and is a leader in the national "birther" movement, on notice by stating that she could face sanctions if she ever files a similar "frivolous" lawsuit in his court.

"(Rhodes) has presented no credible evidence and has made no reliable factual allegations to support her unsubstantiated, conclusory allegations and conjecture that President Obama is ineligible to serve as president of the United States," Land states in his order. "Instead, she uses her complaint as a platform for spouting political rhetoric, such as her claims that the president is 'an illegal usurper, an unlawful pretender, [and] an unqualified imposter.'"

In an interview with Talking Points Memo, Taitz said she would keep fighting if Rhodes wanted to, despite the judge's threat. "Listen, Nelson Mandela stayed in prison for years in order to get to the truth and justice," she said."(END OF EXCERPT)Read more here.