I had a horrific experience with a facial that I got right before I went on a trip to Jamaica. There is a white esthetician who claims to be the authority on black skin care. She left me to one of her minions after a consultation to receive treatment for acne. I got burned from an ointment that was left on too long right on the side of my nose. It was highly visible & required heavy makeup to mask the burn. There really wasn't much I could do because you sign a waiver before you are treated.So much for her expertise in black skin care because she had no resolution but to try to place the blame on the other esthetician who adminstered the treatment. I never went there again & I had to wear make-up in a very hot climate.
Luckily for me, it was only that one small spot that needed major coverage.It eventually went away. Look what happened to Charlotte Cripps. Here's an excerpt from The Daily Mail:
"I'd heard about Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) photo facial treatments from friends in Los Angeles who swear by them for a youthful complexion.
If you've ever wondered why celebrity models and A-listers of a certain age have such uncannily baby-smooth skin, wonder no more.
Along with the other latest treatments, such as Fraxel laser, this is a fast and effective way of removing the ravages of time without surgery.
Apparently, IPL will remove fine lines, undo sun damage and rejuvenate skin by boosting collagen production.
When I got dressed, my burning chest and face made me look as if I'd been pulled out of a forest fire. I was scheduled to return two weeks later for my next treatment.
A recommended course of six would cost me £1,200. I went to a make-up shop and my face was dusted with a mineral powder - as suggested by the spa - to camouflage the redness.
A woman at the counter asked what the hell I'd had done. When I told her I'd had an IPL photo facial, she looked at me with horror.
'I don't mean to worry you,' she said, 'but I've had a course and it never looked like that." (END OF EXCERPT) Read her whole story here:http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-1091772/Look-hot-new-facial-did-me.html