Showing posts with label dr. laura's caller. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dr. laura's caller. Show all posts

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Dr. Laura's Black Caller Should Never Have Sought Her Advice!

After watching several interviews with Dr. Laura's caller,Nita "Jade" Hanson,I am in a total state of confusion.If she was a longtime fan of her show,why did Nita Hanson call Dr. Laura for advice? Because Ms. Hanson said that since Dr. Laura is not a minority she does not understand what it's like to be discriminated against because of the color of your skin.

So again,why would Ms Hanson seek the advice of someone who has shown that she is all for discriminating against others? How is it that Nita Hanson was surprised that Dr. Laura exposed her hatred of yet another minority? Dr. Laura has no idea what a black individual should be offended by! It's all just hypersensitivity to people like Dr. Laura because they are incapable of being sensitive.

As a fan of her show,how has "Jade" missed all of the controversial statements that Dr. Laura has made in the past? The only thing that Laura Schlessinger is the doctor of is hate.If Nita Hanson has said herself that "this isn't the first time",the question begs to be asked.Why the heck did you call her in the first place if you knew how hateful & insensitive Dr. Laura has already shown herself to be ,Ms. Hanson? It just seems totally illogical to me.