Have you seen this Google map of Prop.8 donors? Well,here's one out of eight of them that an anonymous individual has created. For what purpose,though? It seems to me that this is just an invitation for people to locate the donors & start trouble.If anyone gets hurt behind these maps,whomever created them should be made public.I hate people who hide behind a wall of anonymity.This is just plain wrong,though.And that's my opinion on it! Now,here's a different point of view from SFist:
"Is this a witch hunt? No. Is it cruel? A bit, maybe. But aren't the 36,000 people whose marriages risk nullification entitled to know which of their neighbors paid to force them into divorce? Criminals are entitled to face their accusers in court. why can't married couples know who's funding their forced divorces? And do the yes-on-8 people REALLY want to play the "who's a bigger victim" game with the gays? No.
This map comes on the heels of Peop 8 supporters wanting to limit media and public access to donor info. The nerve. Simply put, they want to break up marriages, but they don't have the courage to stand up and be known for their convictions. What a bunch of cowards."(END OF EXCERPT)Read the rest here:http://sfist.com/2009/01/09/mash-up_map_of_google_maps_and_prop.php