Showing posts with label issues. Show all posts
Showing posts with label issues. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Sexism has been used to shield Sarah Palin from the scrutiny that she so badly needs & deserves. It is true that racism, sexism, etc... are issues that exist in society period. The problem is that we are dealing with bigger issues such as the decline of the economy. This is not about making false claims about personal attacks on either of the candidates. "Community Organizer" was how Rudy Giulliani( who had issues with blacks during his time as mayor of New York City) summed up a sitting SENATOR'S career! I believe that was not only degrading Barack Obama because of his race, but
it is making an issue of class. I mean helping the poor is not a good qualifying factor when you're running for president. At least not in Rudy Giulliani's point of view. As witnessed by the current republican administration, helping the rich is of more importance.

All of these issues should not be a part of this race. America is struggling with much more pertinent issues. We better talk about global warming, energy solutions, economic despair, education,& all of the REAL ISSUES! People need to get the facts & not vote with emotion. My heart & mind tells me to vote for the candidate who can make life better for everyone. If you have a working brain, you know who that is. Barack Obama!