Showing posts with label joe the plumber. Show all posts
Showing posts with label joe the plumber. Show all posts

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Michael Chiklis & His Doppelganger Joe The Plumber!

Isn't it amazing just how much these two resemble each other? They have the same facial features & that identical shiny,bald head! But looking alike may not be the only thing that they have in common. One is a successful paid actor that starred in the show, "The Shield". "Joe The Plumber" is a caricature of the ordinary American. Far as I'm concerned, they are both actors.

Some Folks Believe That "Joe The Plumber" Was A McCain Ploy!

There is some speculation on the internet that Joe Wurzelbacher is actually someone that the McCain campaign planted at the scene. Whether or not that is true, I don't know. But, one thing is for certain. He has now become the most talked about portion of the whole debate all over the media. I wonder why he made the following statement that I found in a LA Times article. Here it is,"
Wurzelbacher told Couric that he had always wanted to question a presidential candidate "and really corner them and get them to answer a question of -- for once instead of tap-dancing around it. And, unfortunately, I asked the question, but I still got a tap dance . . . almost as good as Sammy Davis Jr."

Still, he refused to say which candidate he would vote for." Read the whole article by following this link(,0,3050232.story?vote42917167=1).

I understand that he wanted to illustrate that he felt that Obama was skirting the issue by saying he got a "tap dance". Then, he goes further by mentioning Sammy Davis Jr. Something about that statement just did not sit right with me. It seems just like something a republican would say. Makes you wonder if he really was part of a McCain ploy.

This is the video that put him in the spotlight. Apparently, Fox has been showing an edited version. This is the unedited version.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Best Moments Of The Last Presidential Debate! " I Am Not George Bush"!

Remind me never to watch a debate on CNN again! Those screen monitors that can gauge which statements were the most effective to an audience of men & women was totally distracting! But, let me get to the moments I liked the most. First, let's get to the zingers! One of the best retorts of the night was when McCain said, " I am not George Bush, Senator Obama"! If you wanted to run against him, you should have ran 4 years ago."
Barack Obama's best zinger pertained to "Joe,the plumber"that was McCain's example of a small business owner. Because Joe kept being addressed by McCain, Senator Obama retorted," I'd like to talk to Joe too, if you're out there." Pretty damn snazzy comeback, Senator Obama. So, the next time McCain speaks it is with anger. McCain says, "Joe, you're rich! Congratulations". Now, this was in response to Obama telling him that he would exempt smaller businesses from being taxed. The tax cuts would apply to the larger ones. But, I think it was inappropriate to even use the word "rich" in this sour economy.

What I found was when it came to the health plan issue, McCain spent more time talking against Obama's plan then he did detailing his own.That's because he knows his plan is not worth discussing. Barack Obama has a superior health plan.Was it a freudian slip or intentional when McCain said Senator Government then went to talk about how government was too big? But the Roe V. Wade part of the debate should really concern women. John McCain's position is just plain scary & he seems to have a total disregard for women. Issues like abortion & equal pay are two things he seems to oppose.

Barack Obama had me worried for the first 20 minutes. But in the end, he was presidential which should obliterate John McCain.He is winning so far & bringing up William Ayers did nothing to change the flow of the game.Of course, John McCain was smug & I don't think he looked presidential at all. He just looked combative and angry as usual. McCain shouldn't be running the country. McCain proved that to me tonight & apparently some undecided voters! More on that in my next posting.