Showing posts with label juan williams. Show all posts
Showing posts with label juan williams. Show all posts

Thursday, February 12, 2009

NPR's Audience Has Grown Disgusted With Fox Contributer,Juan Williams!

Juan Williams is the black guy who is in agreement with the host of any Fox News show that he contributes to.He never seems to present his own valid viewpoint on anything.So,I have come to the conclusion that he is just there to make the Fox panels more diverse,even though his opinions never differ from any of the commentators,like Bill O'Reilly.The funny thing is that he works for a liberal news organization,NPR, as well.And their audience feels like Juan Williams shouldn't be associated with NPR when he appears on Fox.Here's more from Politico:

"It's gotten to the point that according to Shepard, "NPR's Vice President of News, Ellen Weiss, has asked Williams to ask that Fox remove his NPR identification whenever he is on O'Reilly."

Last year, 378 listeners emailed me complaints and frustrations about things Williams said on Fox. The listener themes are similar: Williams "dishonors NPR." He's an "embarrassment to NPR." "NPR should severe their relationship with him."

The latest flap involves Williams' comment on Fox about First Lady Michelle Obama. To date, I've received 56 angry emails. For comparison, this year so far, listeners sent 13 emails about Steve Inskeep, 8 about Mara Liasson and 6 about Cokie Roberts -- other NPR personalities who I often get emails about.

Here's what Williams said on Jan. 26, but the transcript doesn't convey the same impact as the video, posted on YouTube. Williams is explaining that Vice President Joe Biden could be a liability for President Obama. But so could his wife.

"Michelle Obama, you know, she's got this Stokely Carmichael in a designer dress thing going," said Williams. "If she starts talking, as Mary Katharine [Ham, a conservative blogger] is suggesting, her instinct is to start with this blame America, you know, I'm the victim. If that stuff starts coming out, people will go bananas and she'll go from being the new Jackie O to being something of an albatross."(END OF EXCERPT)Read the article in it's entirety here.

Look at Juan Williams in action in this video.He is in agreement with Sean Hannity about Barack Obama playing the race card during the campaign.Once again,Juan Williams presents the conservative argument that blacks "blame America".According to folks like him,most blacks prefer to play the victim.Don't you just love when people try to revise history? Juan Williams ought to be ashamed of himself.