For everyone's "edification", this is an opinion blog. I do include news articles to reinforce my views on particular issues. I did not post my opinion of this story because I felt it was untrue.It is imperative to understand that because Fox news aired a story that was completely racist & bogus! There are a whole lot of folks who view them as a news organization.Apparently, they reported that Ashley Todd,a McCain helper, was attacked by a 6'4 black man Wedneday night in Pennsylvania.She said it was because she had a McCain sticker on her car. According to her, the black man who beat her & marked her face with a "B" was a Obama supporter. This was supposed to be an example of just how intense Barack Obama's backers really are.
Rick Sanchez of CNN reported today that it was all a hoax. He mentioned the fact that this story was not reported on by CNN. He felt that Fox & other "news" associations should thoroughly check the facts before they run with a story like this. Apparently, it was discussed all over talk radio as if it were a fact. I hope they all express their outrage over the fact that it was all a hoax!
The McCain campaign issued a statement to CNN saying that she is not a paid campaign worker. And that's because it turns out that Ashley Todd is a self-mutilator & a liar! The "attack" that she claimed took place could have sent another innocent black man to prison. I guess to Ashley Todd black men are dispensable.It seems that racism is an incorrigible issue in our society.
I was the victim of an assault by a black man in 2007. The assailant is still on the loose. The police had a suspect that looked like the guy but I was attacked from behind. I was not a 100 percent so I could not bring myself to say it was their suspect. What if it wasn't the right person? Too many innocent black men are in prison already. This woman apparently has no conscience! Did she make this whole thing up because she thought it would help John McCain? What a horrid young woman! The good news is that she is facing charges for making this shit up!