Michelle Obama is an upstanding citizen with the grace & refinement that befits a first lady. She's never been on drugs & has not come out & attacked the character of any of the candidates. Unlike Cindy McCain, she has refrained from questioning the moral fiber of John & Cindy McCain. If Obama really wanted to be negative, he would have sent his wife out as the attack dog. You notice that Cindy McCain had no problem showing her aggression out there on the campaign trail.
Have you seen this video? You've got this odious man,Bill O'Reilly repeatedly saying that Michelle Obama "looks like an angry woman to me." Who has shown anger in this race? I believe it's Cindy McCain. I'd feel much more at ease with two calm people & their kids in the White House. That would be Barack & Michelle Obama. Mccain's daughter,Meghan McCain even seems uptight. I shudder to think what would happen if McCain won! We can't let that happen. Get out & vote.