Showing posts with label misappropriation of funds. Show all posts
Showing posts with label misappropriation of funds. Show all posts

Thursday, November 20, 2008

The United Nations May Have Used Foreign Aid For A 23 Million Dollar Ceiling Mural In Spain!

People are suffering & starving in the Congo. Somalia has one of the worst humanitarian crisis going with piracy increasing at an alarming rate there. The United Nations has a whole lot of issues that are calling for their immediate attention. So, where is their focus at this moment in time? Well, it's on this magnificent work of art that cost $23 million dollars of course! C'mon,people!!! Let's prioritize & not have any misappropriation of funds!Here's more from the Associated Press:
"In Spain there's a controversy because they took money out of the foreign aid budget, took money from starving children in Africa, and spent it on colourful stalactites," FOX News quoted Hillel Neuer, executive director of UN Watch, as saying.

Spanish taxpayers paid for most of the sprawling sculpture, which has been compared to the Sistine Chapel, but around 633,000 dollar came from Spain's budget for overseas development aid.

Spain's conservative opposition party blasted the government for diverting money from projects to alleviate poverty in poorer countries, though the government insisted the funding for Barcelo's work was kept separate." (END OF EXCERPT) Read the rest here: