There is more than economic woes in the Congo. Women are being treated as economic pawns & are raped in the most brutal fashion imaginable. There is an election going on in America that has the whole country enraptured. Is that the reason we haven't heard more about it? No, because the Congo War has been taking place for 10 years. It has not received a whole lot of media attention.The coverage of the Congo War has been pretty sparse & sporadic.Here is an excerpt from a CNN report on the Congo War's effect on women:
On the purpose of the Congo War;
"The struggle for control of Congo's rich natural resources -- the CIA Factbook says it is "endowed with vast potential wealth" in diamonds, gold and cobalt -- has fueled much of the violence today, activists say.
Since 1998, various armed factions -- tribal, rebel and militia -- have fought for control of the country and its resources. UNICEF says the war has cost more lives than any other war since World War II.
Rape has become a primary weapon in that war, says Geoffrey Keele, a UNICEF spokesman. Keele says rape is designed to destroy the Congolese community. Husbands, families and villages often shun rape victims. A weak and divided community is easier to conquer..."
On the cruelty & maltreatment of Congolese women;
"It's 'femicide,' " Ensler says, using another word to describe the treatment of Congolese women. "It's the systematic destruction of women. It's an economic war fought on the bodies of women. It's the destruction of the Congolese people and life itself." Ensler and others are trying to stop the gruesome attacks against women by launching a series of campaigns that pivot on what Ensler says is a debatable premise -- people will care what happens to dark-skinned Africans.
The centerpiece of Ensler's campaign is "The City of Joy," an all-female village in Congo where rape victims can recover from their physical and psychological wounds. Other groups such as UNICEF have mounted similar efforts to empower Congolese women and encourage the world to act.
The world's reaction has been muted so far and Ensler, best-known as the playwright of "The Vagina Monologues," says she knows why.
"A lot of it is flat-out racism," she says. "When we see conflicts that involve white people, the world responds faster. Bosnia is a perfect example." (END OF EXCERPT) Read the entire article here: (http://www.cnn.com/2008/WORLD/africa/10/15/congo.women/index.html)
I am posting this to bring attention to the pain & suffering that is going on in Africa. There is more than just starvation & AIDS going on in the motherland.It is a war-ravaged continent as well!Real humans are being subjected to the most atrocious conduct on the other side of the world. I don't understand why more people aren't outraged & rushing to the aid of the Congolese citizens! When it was ascertained that Michael Vick played a role in the maiming & killing of his dogs, the entire nation reacted explosively!Some folks wanted him to do life in prison! But,the general attitude towards Africans is one of callousness & antipathy!How is it that the murder of dogs generates more passionate concern than the systematic killing of human beings? My mind is completely baffled by that!