Showing posts with label secrets. Show all posts
Showing posts with label secrets. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


First, she broke down over the use of the word "nigger" & now we see why. This "woman" has only met Michelle Obama once & implies that she has something to hide.Well, I think Elizabeth Hasselbeck had something to hide which she has now exposed. That is why she was so upset because she has racist views that she is trying to supress. She was not crying because the word "nigger" is offensive to her. That word made her do some self-reflecting that she did not want to do.Let's ask Elizabeth Hasselbeck what Sarah Palin has to hide? She hasn't even gone on "The View" or answered any questions. Where's your outrage over that? Michelle Obama is the candidate's wife not the VP pick. Sarah Palin,not Michelle Obama, needs to answer all questions. You are a phony who needs to stick to fake reality TV. You are a smear agent for the Mccains. Despicable!!

Cindy Mccain is someone with deep emotional problems who hid an addiction to pills from her husband. Elizabeth Hasselbeck can identify with her because she is a weak person. And she is a blond white woman such as herself. When I viewed this video, I knew I had to post it here. Michelle Obama is a strong black woman who is beautiful & graceful. How dare this minimal media personality show such disrespect towards her! This bimbo can try to catapult women back in time by voting for John Mccain if she so chooses. Why are you so angry that Michelle Obama had subjects that she did not want broached? She emits deep bitterness in her comments on this video. Strong black women have never been viewed favorably in America. Neither has a strong black man.

For instance, the bullshit accusation about Barack Obama's cliches that came from the Mccain camp. "Lipstick on a pig" is the topic of the day being regurgitated in the biased media which is absolutely ridiculous. Unless they are all idiots, they know that this is a red herring thrown out there by the Mccain camp. Why is this all over the news when they know it was completely taken out of context. I am not involved in politics in any way & I knew what it meant. He was talking about the false claim of reform that the republican ticket is making. You cannot put lipstick on pig & think that it changes the pig. The pig is still a pig. For all you dumb asses out there, the republicans can redress their ticket as the ticket of change. But that doesn't erase the last 8 years of the reprehensible republican rule in the White House!!!! WAKE UP & VOTE FOR BARACK OBAMA!!!! He understands ALL AMERICANS!!!! Look at the work that he did with the poor as a "COMMUNITY ORGANIZER" & recognize that. The republicans do not have a diverse party. It is dominated by whites. Stop being a racist & be a humanist. If you care about the economy, women's rights,& education then make that change. DON'T FALL FOR DIVISIVE POLITICAL STRATEGIES & MOVES!! DON'T BE STUPID AGAIN IF YOU VOTED FOR GEORGE BUSH BY VOTING FOR JOHN MCCAIN!! RESEARCH & REALIZE THAT AMERICA'S FUTURE DEPENDS ON IT!!!