Showing posts with label south. Show all posts
Showing posts with label south. Show all posts

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Republican Affiliates Peddle This!

News - Slideshow - Forum sells 'Obama Waffles' with racial stereotype I saw this over at Comcast news & just had to post it here. Racism is a huge issue for me as an african american. I am using my voice on this blog to speak out against all offences to humanity. Is this the reason why the republican convention was sparse in the amount of blacks that attended? In a party that totes the message of change now, how does this represent that? These are the kinds of people that support John Mccain. People who want to change from having a view of a unified & equal country be shared by all Americans. This type of stereotyping only hearkens back to the antebellum past of America. We want a party with a vision that holds a better future. Not one that is seeking to hold on to the distant past. My voice will be heard much louder than this. At this point, I have no readers. This blog is just my way of venting my frustrations as a black person in America. These are my opinions & views. If anyone is reading this, leave me a comment & let me know!Share the issues that affect you with me.

Isn't it sad though that racism is still an issue? All over the world, not just here in America? Those with darker skin suffer with this problem within their own race sometimes. There is inter-racial discrimination & exclusion in the black community. If you have light skin, it can make the difference in how you are treated. The same applies if you have dark skin. That is a fact of life that I have know since childhood. Within my own family, I have been told that at least my hair was wavy. As if to say that my hair was my saving grace. My skin is dark but the texture of my hair makes me attractive. Why do so many blacks feel this way? My theory & strong belief is that it comes from the days of slavery. A time that most blacks have tried to forget by disassociating themselves from Africa. By rejecting the culture & country, they are rejecting the pain of the past. Those horrific times are imprinted in our genetic memory. The atrocities of that time has lingered from generation to generation.

These types of images evoke Jim Crow & segregation. That was in the not so distant past. Apparently, it is still the desire of some in the white community for that still to be the case. Even if John Mccain does not have a racist bone in his body, how will he be able to reform that aspect of his party? He tried to speak out against the Confederate flag & was forced to reverse his stance on that. Yes, that flag is the symbol of slavery. The Black Holocaust. His party is made up of many Daughters & Sons of the Confederation. Hence, we have these racial stereotypes persistently coming from some republicans. I have not heard John Mccain denounce the organizations that perpetuate racism. He should but he is a republican after all. No matter how much he trys to distance himself.