Showing posts with label valerie jarrett. Show all posts
Showing posts with label valerie jarrett. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Now That Obama's Been Cleared Of Any Wrongdoing,Can We Move On To More Pertinent Issues Now?

You would think that there was a major scandal brewing with all of the media coverage over the extent of Obama's involvement with Gov. Blagovejich. What did he know & when did he know it? Well, here's what we all know now:

"President-elect Barack Obama's team had "no inappropriate discussions" with Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich, according to an internal review.

But his Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel talked to Mr Blagojevich about who should fill Mr Obama's senate seat.

Mr Blagojevich has been accused of attempting to "sell" the seat, but says he is not guilty of any wrongdoing.

The review reveals that the US Attorney leading the Blagojevich probe spoke to Mr Obama as part of his investigation.

Patrick Fitzgerald also questioned Mr Emanuel, and Obama aide Valerie Jarrett last week about their contacts with Mr Blagojevich."(END OF EXCERPT) Read the whole article here:

Can we move on now? Here's a video that contains a brief history of political corruption in America. This is nothing new.