Showing posts with label video. Show all posts
Showing posts with label video. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

How Black Muslims Really Feel About Barack Obama For President! Silas Muhammed Speaks!

So Obama's a Muslim, huh? If so he certainly is not a black muslim. They obviously are not a part of the african-americans who support him. According to the media reports, there is speculation that he is a muslim. Reverend Wright was a huge detraction which almost cost him the democratic nomination. Sean Hannity questioned his patriotism because of this.

Louis Farrakhan has been linked to Barack Obama in this desperate attempt to brand him as a threat to American ideals. Let me ask those who believe that to watch Silas Muhammed speak. In this video, he reveals a sentiment that is shared amongst those who have the same mindset. Those black people who want reparations & accountability for the still lingering effects of slavery do not support Barack Obama. He is not a descendant of slaves so therefore he cannot identify with most african-americans. This is how they truly feel. How come the different factions within the black community is never covered in the media? We have muslims, christians, black hebrews,etc... So, when you say that african -americans will overwhelmingly vote for Barack Obama who are you referring to? Obviously not all.

I am the descendant of slaves who does not seek reparations for past evil deeds. I want accountability & for those who profited from slavery to share the profits with the slave descendants. That's not going to truly repair the past but it would be an acknowledgement of wrongdoing. The american indians have been compensated for the genocide that occurred during the establishment of America. The mistreatment of african-americans was not deserved & needs to be rectified. Even in this day & age, we are viewed as less than. Why? Because of slavery.

Whether or not Barack Obama supports reparations is not going to make my support waiver. I remember Malcolm X's demise & I have serious doubt about the sincerity of black muslims. This is a political organization that has it's own motives. What was the point of the Million Man March? If you are going to tear a black man down in his greatest hour of need, you shouldn't have bothered! Barack Obama is the best choice for president & Silas Muhammed knows it! He is a politician who cannot afford to pander to just blacks. This is not a black or white country. It is a collage of races & he is a collage of cultures. He was born in Hawaii, schooled in Indonesia, & gained political experience in Chicago. This man is mulitcultural which is good for America. We need someone with an objective view. He's got it.

He is not a white man or black man. He is a composite of both. Just what this country needs. Someone with no racial baggage. Whites & blacks have that due to slavery. I do not think that he does not understand slavery. He is an educated man married to a woman who is probably a descendant of slaves. If Barack Obama is lily white as he is portrayed in this video, how does Michelle Obama fit in? She is the epitome of a strong black woman. So much so that she has been stereotyped as being militant! Is she a puppet on a string? Is she not black enough? Please, Silas Muhammed! Stop trying to prevent a positive image of a black man from emerging onto the international stage!