You may be one of those people who really don't like either candidate. You feel like most black people have since they claimed their right to vote. That you are picking the lesser of two evils. Great! But, you should pick. I don't know how anyone could still be undecided. Maybe you're one of those folks who just can't seem to make up their mind on anything. So, you better study them like you're cramming for a final in political science. Be able to discern the facts from fiction. Who has the intellect & temperament that it takes to restore America's reputation in a complex hostile world? George Bush was an ill-tempered war monger whose mental capacity was questionable. John McCain is a war hero who has talked about bombing Iran. He will be the most likely one to plunge America into yet another war. Not to mention the fact that he's run a despicable campaign. I've done extensive research on both men & I feel that Obama shares my world view. He believes in bringing America together. I believe he will do that. And I will make sure I cast my vote. Don't forget to get out there & cast yours!