Showing posts with label yesterday south african movie. Show all posts
Showing posts with label yesterday south african movie. Show all posts

Friday, December 5, 2008

You Don't Have To Wait Until World Aids Day To Watch "Yesterday"!

The South African movie "Yesterday" is a beautiful,poignant tale of a woman whose husband infected her with HIV. But, not only that it shows the major difference between traditional African village life & modern Westernized metropolitan life. Even the diagnosis of Yesterday's true condition differed depending on who she saw. The villagers sought the advice & healing powers of the village healer. When Yesterday came to see her, the healer told her that the root of her illness was anger. But, the doctor at the clinic told Yesterday that she had HIV. If watching foreign movies with subtitles doesn't bother you, this is one of the best ones out there!Here's more from the movie's press release:

"Yesterday is an appropriate film for World AIDS Day as it follows the plight of a rural woman called Yesterday who falls ill and discovers that she is HIV positive. Her husband, a migrant mineworker, refuses to accept her condition and she is left to fend for herself and her young daughter, hoping that she will survive long enough to see her child go to school. Yesterday's dilemma is not unusual in South Africa and these free screenings are intended to bring to the fore the struggle of HIV positive people, especially rural women."(END OF EXCERPT) Read the rest here:

The video is a clip of South African teens talking about how AIDS has affected their environment.