Saturday, October 4, 2008

Saying that Barack Obama Is "Palling Around With Terrorists" Is Akin To Saying That Sarah Palin Is A Proponent Of Witchhunters!

Oh, how troublesome it is to have a campaign built on misappropriations & blatant lies! Sarah Palin is a stepford politician with no real knowledge of current affairs. I think she's proven that in her television interviews where she showed that her mind is a blank slate. It's just waiting for the knowledge to be written on it. So I really don't fault her for spewing the smears that come from the McCain campaign & the far right. Here's the link to the article regarding the statements she's made:

But, it is a incendiary remark that she knows she can't back up! This is a woman that can't recall one source that she gets her information from. That's because she's programmed to say what the campaign needs her to say. Let's make a false statement that has some basis in reality like Sarah Palin did! Since Sarah Palin said herself that a witch hunter is the reason she's a governor, it wouldn't be unreasonable to say that she believes in evil witches that cast spells! Oops! That's probably not the best analogy because that is actually the truth! She believes in supernatural human beings with the power to cast spells. How forward thinking is that? This woman scares the daylights out of me! Sarah Palin, you're far more of a risk than Barack Obama could ever be. Your thinking is dangerous! No wonder John McCain has you so scripted!

Is It Karma For O.J. Simpson?

I wonder if they will throw the book at this idiotic coked out freak! No black person really wanted to believe he was guilty. It just didn't make sense to those who were still struggling with poverty that he would throw it all away by killing his wife. He was an American hero because he lived the dream that all people have. O.J Simpson was successful & highly respected as an athlete. He even did movies! So when blacks found out that it was a possibility he was framed they couldn't definitively say he was guilty. There was a lot of outrage expressed by white America & remarks seething with racism could be heard all over talk radio. I remember my parents talking about it & how unsure they were. There was a lot of racial profiling making headlines during that time. The cops who had beaten Rodney King had just been acquitted.In this case, there were alot of suspicious circumstances surrounding it.

I mean, you had someone like Mark Fuhrman involved with the case. He was heard on tape saying "nigga" about twenty times & he talked about how police set "niggas" up. He said he had even thought about it. He tried to downplay the tape but in the minds of blacks he couldn't. Blacks being setup by cops is an all too familiar scenario in the ghetto. No juror should indict someone when the police have completely compromised the evidence. Thanks to the racism in the Los Angeles police department, O.J. Simpson could have very well gotten away with murder. I don't care who thinks they know he did it. That evidence & the way it was collected did leave more than enough room for reasonable doubt.

Now, almost exactly 13 years to the date of his acquittal,he's going to pay for another crime. This time the evidence is irrefutable. Will he get life or a lesser sentence? This may very well be the karma that O.J. Simpson deserves. The way he has lived his life since his wife died really hasn't been very supportive of an innocent man. He has never publicly searched for the killer after he promised to. His relationship with his daughter has been tumultous with her making a few 911 calls on him. This is a man who is fighting demons with his drug use & constant run-ins with the law. O.J. Simpson must have been coked out of his fucking mind for concocting such an escapade! You're washed & I wouldn't be shocked if you never see the light of day! Good riddance to such a disgrace to the race!

Douglas Blackmon's Book "Slavery By Another Name" Deals With A Painful Part of Black History!

Douglas A. Blackmon has a book that every American should read because a brutal part of our history is told in it. It's called "Slavery By Another Name" & it talks about the reinvention of slavery due to the economic needs of the South. Forced labor camps was a source of terror for black men in the South. He talks about the "black code laws" that were enforced throughout the southern states. These laws helped imprison countless black men who were guilty of having black skin. It talks about how important these camps were to the economic stability of the South.What happened when blacks civil rights were restored through the emancipation of slaves is discussed in this book.The fact that it was too hard for the South to recover after the great economic loss that occurred once the slaves were freed. They couldn't make slavery legal unless they called it by a different name. And the general attitude of the whites who didn't believe in slavery was not one of sympathy. They didn't mind if blacks were still in servitude. This book says that these forced labor camps were around up until World War II.
For a lot of innocent blacks who have been jailed for crimes they did not committ, this story may sound familiar. Why are they building more prisons when there are so many schools closing down? This story may provide an explanation for why there are more prisons. With all the money prison generates, it sounds like the same situation to me. Ladies & gentlemen,I daresay that this is a familiar theme! I personally have seen black men get arrested, have drugs or guns planted on them, & then go to jail. That's what happened to those men in "Slavery By Another Name". Back then, it was the "black code laws" that could get someone a year in jail for vagrancy. These days it's the "war on drugs" that allows innocent black men to get framed to enter into a greedy prison system. There is cheap labor in prisons & terrible abuse. It is completely inhumane. So, I thought he was talking about the modern day prison system! It all sounds like similar motives are at play right now. You know what they say about history repeating itself. This is a must read for all those who feel the need to understand black history.