Showing posts with label sarah palin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sarah palin. Show all posts

Sunday, October 19, 2008

SNL Must Have Been Restrained Tonight!! This Picture Is Funnier Than Sarah Palin's Guest Appearance!

What happened tonight?! Sarah Palin's much hyped appearance on Saturday Night Live was a total snooze. For that matter, every single skit was a bore! Tina Fey gave a lackluster impersonation of Palin as well. She probably felt self-conscious about the sketch because Sarah Palin was there.The whole Alec Baldwin scene was not funny either.This was Alec Baldwin's act of contrition to Sarah Palin for his comments about her.
He has not been very kind to her.It just seemed like a night of apologies. Mark Wahlberg spoke out recently about an impression of him that he was pissed about! So, this was SNL's public apology for the relentless spoofs of Sarah Palin. Instead of doing that, they should have utilized both Palin & Fey in the same scenes.And that Alaskan rap scene was the dumbest shit I've ever seen! How was that even remotely funny? Josh Brolin was just as uninteresting as Sarah Palin! But I'm going to watch him in "W"! It looks freakin' hilarious!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Both Sarah Palin & John McCain Have Ethics Issues! And Just How Patriotic Is Palin?

John McCain had an ethical issue over 20 years ago because of the Keating 5 scandal.According to the Associated Press, Sarah Palin has a checkered history when it comes to ethics as well. For more on that, follow this link. (
People have recently demanded that McCain show that he has moral principles & change the direction of his campaign. It has been going down a really ugly road with all of the anger coming from McCain supporters. Sarah Palin has been driving the rage to the surface with her comments about Barack Obama. She has questioned his patriotism repeatedly. But just how nationalistic is she? Palin just might have deeper ties to the Alaskan Independence Party than she lets on. The Alaskan Indepence Party's primary goal is to vote on whether Alaska should secede from the United States or not. So how is it that she is questioning Obama's patriotism? The same question needs to be posed to her. We, the public, are not the elitist media.Sarah Palin should stop asking who Barack Obama really is. He is not the one who has been shielded from inquiry.We deserve to know just who Sarah Palin is well before November 4. Here is a link to a story about her ties to the Alaskan Independence Party. (,0,6399468.story)
The video is a CNN report on what they know about her involvement.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Gwen Ifill Speaks About Sarah Palin & Queen Latifah's Potrayal of Her!

Even Gwen Ifill said that Sarah Palin decided not to answer the questions & she was transparent about it. As a moderator, she thought that the two candidates were there to debate "each other". Instead, we got to see more of a pre-scripted Sarah Palin. Because we all know what happens when she doesn't memorize a speech! She's already embarassed herself tremendously these past few weeks. Sarah Palin was going to get her point across no matter what the format was. I loved the SNL skit which I will post here later! I was apparently wrong when I wrote that they wouldn't be able to get much material from this debate. Once it sunk in for me just how "folksy" & evasive she was, I knew they had the makings of a hilarious skit! By the way, folksy is just another word for unsophisticated. Sophisticated means someone who is knowledgeable and cultured. Two things that Sarah Palin made clear that she is not! Sarah Palin is definitely folksy! That's not what Americans need in such a sophisticated world!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Saying that Barack Obama Is "Palling Around With Terrorists" Is Akin To Saying That Sarah Palin Is A Proponent Of Witchhunters!

Oh, how troublesome it is to have a campaign built on misappropriations & blatant lies! Sarah Palin is a stepford politician with no real knowledge of current affairs. I think she's proven that in her television interviews where she showed that her mind is a blank slate. It's just waiting for the knowledge to be written on it. So I really don't fault her for spewing the smears that come from the McCain campaign & the far right. Here's the link to the article regarding the statements she's made:

But, it is a incendiary remark that she knows she can't back up! This is a woman that can't recall one source that she gets her information from. That's because she's programmed to say what the campaign needs her to say. Let's make a false statement that has some basis in reality like Sarah Palin did! Since Sarah Palin said herself that a witch hunter is the reason she's a governor, it wouldn't be unreasonable to say that she believes in evil witches that cast spells! Oops! That's probably not the best analogy because that is actually the truth! She believes in supernatural human beings with the power to cast spells. How forward thinking is that? This woman scares the daylights out of me! Sarah Palin, you're far more of a risk than Barack Obama could ever be. Your thinking is dangerous! No wonder John McCain has you so scripted!

Friday, October 3, 2008

Frankly, Mrs. Palin I'm ANNOYED!! Gosh Darnitt, Americans Are Not Stupid!!

Oh what, the heck?!! Who needs an education & proper english when they go on a interview for a job? Sarah Palin talked improperly & skirted the questions in that debate! If you want to talk directly to the people, you should've answered Gwen Ifill's queries. The country was listening intently. Don't blame the "media filter" for your inadequacies, Ms. Palin! The American people are not that friggin' stupid,lady! I thought that candidates were supposed to be under a microscope if they're applying for one of the top positions in America. The Vice President of the United States is a job that requires the right credentials. Do we really give a flying "you-know-what" that Sarah Palin is "annoyed" by that?
Katie Couric does not have to cater to John McCain's agenda & I praise her for having the journalistic integrity that others don't possess. Ms.Couric barely asked Sarah Palin the "tough" questions that so many Republicans have accused of her asking. Like George Bush, she just doesn't know enough. I don't have confidence in John McCain's intellect & decision making either. Barack Obama knows constitutional law as an attorney & he is a Harvard graduate. The comparisons to Sarah Palin are demeaning. It is Joe Biden that she is running against. She doesn't even measure up to him. This is no savvy woman of great intellect. This is a woman talkin' to "Joe Six-Pack". She's above going on "Meet the Press" & any other show that will expose her intellectual deficits. The American people don't need intelligent leaders. According to Palin & McCain, we just need someone who talks like a small-town hick. News flash,Sarah!
There are some uneducated individuals who may find that "folksy" stuff to be charming. The same folks find educated people to be "elitists". And we wonder what's wrong with the education system in America. Look at the examples that the country's leader has set for the past 8 years! George Bush is about as dumb as they come. I don't want to see any more "likeable people" who are just like you or me. What we should all want is a congenial person with a intellect that well surpasses that of the average Joe. Gosh darnitt, say it ain't so?! Yep, that would be Barack Obama if you didn't know! Darn,right!!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

The Stepford Politician With A Program Glitch!

This woman had a great introduction onto the national political stage at the republican convention. Democrats blogged about how Barack Obama should have picked Hilary Clinton. After the way Bill Clinton has come out in support of John McCain, do we really need to question Obama's VP pick? I think the only one who is regretting his VP choice is John McCain. Sarah Palin's program has been improperly inputted. Right now, she's malfunctioning. The stepford politician may have put a strain on McCain's campaign. He was hoping she would function until November 4. Maybe he can get her fixed before then. More on Sarah Palin after the VP debate on Thursday.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

This Woman Should Win An Emmy For This! Tina Fey as Sarah Palin!!!

I can't believe that my wildest comedic dreams have come to fruition. The issue of "sexism" that has been abused during this race is parodied on SNL. None other than Tina Fey is portraying Sarah Palin. Everybody has a twin & these two better check their geneaology records because damn! They could pass for identical twins & that accent is pegged down to the letter by Tina. I'm going to enjoy the rest of my Sunday by getting a little shopping done! I am a woman after all. OOPS! Am I being sexist by implying that women like shopping? No that's just as ridiculous as the claims made by John Mccain's campaign. And I'm off to contribute to my own decline into poverty. Maybe it'll help the economy. Let me go because as you can see, I am full of jokes today!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Funny Potrayal of Sarah Palin by Gina Gershon

See more Gina Gershon videos at Funny or Die
How about a good laugh since 9/11 has come to an end. I found this video which is a great parody of the republican nominee for VP. Yesterday was a day that the presidential candidates commemorated together. The whole country was dealing with their own issues associated with September 11. A lot of people were directly affected by that great tragedy. Let us never forget.

I have heard that Tina Fey resembles Sarah Palin & I agree. Gina Gershon is a much hotter version of Sarah Palin. Enjoy!