Sunday, October 19, 2008

SNL Must Have Been Restrained Tonight!! This Picture Is Funnier Than Sarah Palin's Guest Appearance!

What happened tonight?! Sarah Palin's much hyped appearance on Saturday Night Live was a total snooze. For that matter, every single skit was a bore! Tina Fey gave a lackluster impersonation of Palin as well. She probably felt self-conscious about the sketch because Sarah Palin was there.The whole Alec Baldwin scene was not funny either.This was Alec Baldwin's act of contrition to Sarah Palin for his comments about her.
He has not been very kind to her.It just seemed like a night of apologies. Mark Wahlberg spoke out recently about an impression of him that he was pissed about! So, this was SNL's public apology for the relentless spoofs of Sarah Palin. Instead of doing that, they should have utilized both Palin & Fey in the same scenes.And that Alaskan rap scene was the dumbest shit I've ever seen! How was that even remotely funny? Josh Brolin was just as uninteresting as Sarah Palin! But I'm going to watch him in "W"! It looks freakin' hilarious!

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