Thursday, October 9, 2008

Does John McCain Really Want To Make Character An Issue?

Here is a video that has several clips of John McCain that reveal his true character. He is not only an angry man with war wounds from his imprisonment during the Vietnam war. This is a hardened military guy who will plunge this country even deeper in debt & danger. Many people who actually know McCain fear what he would do during his presidency. During the primaries, those fears were publicly expressed by Republicans quite frequently. They talked about how angry & dangerous John McCain really is. He makes rash decisions & has a highly volatile temper. That's ironic since he is doing his damn best to portray Obama as "risky". McCain has talked about bombing Iran & staying in Iraq for 100 years if that's what it takes to win! Watch this video because John McCain admits lying about his position on the Confederate flag. There's just too much irony in John McCain's statements. Today, he was on Hannity & Colmes begging his viewers to question Barack Obama's honesty. This appeal for truthfulness comes from an admitted liar. Does anyone notice the contradictions & hypocrisy that has become the McCain campaign?

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

It's Senator Obama, John McCain! He's also "That One" When It Comes To The Presidency!

Did you hear the contempt in John McCain's voice during tonight's townhall debate?
He actually had the gall to refer to Senator Obama as "that one" instead of using his name. As an African-American, I am highly sensitive when it comes to racism. The failure to address Senator Obama by his name was deeply troubling to me. It was as if John McCain felt that it was an outrage that he had to share the stage with Barack Obama. Wolf Blitzer of CNN said "I think it's fair to say that Senator McCain has some disdain for Senator Obama." Well, I think that it is such an understatement to call his attitude disdainful. Senator McCain seems to harbor a lot of hatred for Barack Obama. He exhibits a feeling of intense hostility. He cannot bring himself to look at Barack Obama directly. Is he just a hateful man or is it something much more sinister at play? It's not hard for me to infer from his actions that John McCain is harboring racist feelings towards blacks. Can anyone share with me how he has helped minorities in his 26 years in the senate? Please leave me a comment if you can. I have researched his background & I have only found this disparaging article (,2933,298397,00.html)

Ironically, I found this story of how John McCain was "unable" to attend a debate at a black college, Morgan State University on Fox new's website! Here is an extract of importance from that article,"The candidates answered questions ranging from what they would do to help minorities, their views on illegal immigration, the war in Iraq, minority unemployment rates and their position on capital punishment." I think that says it all when it comes to John McCain. If elected, he would make sure that he was never available for minorities. So, please don't speculate on how Barack Obama gains the support of blacks! refuse to live in a world of pretense. The reality is that John McCain has a certain kind of country in mind. It's similar to a traditional country club or the republican party.For the most part, blacks are excluded. The preceding video contains a CNN report on this very same issue. Except it deals with the entire republican party's disregard for the black vote. It's very revealing & supportive of my perception of John McCain.

Monday, October 6, 2008

I Got An Email Asking To Boycott "The View"! It States "Elizabeth Hasselbeck Should Be Fired"!

Since I think Elizabeth Hasselbeck is an ignorant space cadet, I decided to post this email about "The View". Yes, I will definitely boycott that show because I have been very unhappy with not only that republican idealist but Whoopi Goldberg as well! We all know from her live stand-up performances that Ms. Goldberg was dealing with feeling inferior to whites. When she allowed Ted Danson to spoof black people by adorning his face with black paint, her self-hatred was even more apparent! No self respecting African-amercian would ever find "blackface" humorous. So, I knew she had a quandary with being black. Sherri Shepard is just herself. I'm not sure what she brings to the show because she mirrors the opinion of a different colleague depending on the subject. Ms. Shepard & Ms. Hasselbeck seem to not be well-versed enough to form & give an objective "view" on anything. The only one with any spunk is Joy Behar. For me, she comes the closest to representing my point of view on that show. Whoopi Goldberg's name says it all. Her real name is Caryn Johnson but she chose "Goldberg" to represent the jewish side of her family. Now, I watched a special on PBS that traces the ancestry of black celebrities. Dr. Henry Louis Gates produces these documentaries for the past two years during Black History Month. Whoopi Goldberg was in that special & I don't remember him finding traces of Jewish blood in her genetic history. I think she just identifies more with being white. Therefore,I still have not heard the view from a "black" perspective. Like I said, Sherri Shepard offers no real standpoint on any issues that matter to me. As for Elizabeth Hasselbeck, she's just a republican talking point. She should be reprimanded by the show for "revealing" what went on backstage with Michelle Obama. To be honest, once Rosie O'Donell left I stopped watching. I rarely watch ABC anyway so this boycott will be simple for me. Review the email below this post.

Dear Friends,
It's not just enough to Boycott "The View" any longer. Many of you no longer watch the show since Elizabeth Hasselbeck was hired. Many of you have never watched this mindless daytime dribble to begin with. Even Barry Manilow has boycotted the show. Now is the time for action against the ABC network and it's advertisers that allows racist innuendos and outright racist remarks to drive their ratings.

Why is this one week boycott important?

Because racism cannot be tolerated, accepted or condoned on American daytime television. There have been other attempts to boycott "The View" but this is an organized boycott against ABC for one week using the Internet and email. All you have to do is forward this email to 10 friends. It doesn't cost anything and you will be fighting racism. If you have a blog or website please post!

The message to ABC and it's executives is clear: Fire Elizabeth Hasselbeck immediately! Let her spew her racist hate on the Fox Network.

10/6/08 Elizabeth Hasselbeck "does not care" quote from "The View" today, that smear and lies are spread. Her message is clear: FEAR THE BLACK MAN! FEAR BARACK OBAMA!

Like Ann Coulter she will blame blacks and minorities for the current housing crisis. The Dow Jones is down 548.45 as I am writing this email. Blacks and minorities must not be the scapegoat for America's problems.

Take a moment. Take ABC off your TIVO. Write down your local ABC network number and stick it to your TV set. Boycott ABC Monday-Friday of next week!

Jody McGillivray
Only One American Voice- Join me so that our voices may be heard!